Posted In: comic
My friend Jaymz Bernard (who you may remember from this and other guest strips) just launched a Kickstarter for her superhero comic Willem. I know some of you backed her Split Screen Kickstarter, so please check out this one too! here’s the link.
– Here’s a great Modest Medusa illustration by Moonshade Butterfly. This was commissioned by reader Ryan Minihane (who you may remember from this comic).
That shows one disadvantage of living across the road from the school. Just go over and ask him. Are we finally going to find out what that girl’s name is, other than “Enaks”?
“Ekans”. Maybe.
Is that truly what’s important? Ekans is Ekans.
Now I wanna know what a “skane” is. :/
If she was in a neighborhood like mine, she’d be forced to ride the bus home.
So was the window already open even though it seems like a cold day out? Or is Modest that loud since she’s had practice calling out for Ekans when she lost her phone number?
When someone yells in our neighborhood you can hear it for blocks.
Yay! Ekans! I have to wonder…is she related to the teacher—or is there something in the area that gives people beautifully blue or purple hair?
No relation. I just like the color.
It IS a beautiful colour combination.
Me, too! Just purchased a doll to re-wig her with blue/purple hair.
That guest art is incredible! It must take some serious skill to retain Modest’s strong adorable game while making her features about a hundred times more realistic. :3
The actual strip for today made me giggle, too. Must be convenient living so close to the school. ^_^;
Wait, don’t tell me, standing outside the school and yelling to ask permission to play with your friends is against the rules and will get you detention.
How did Jake hear her? There’s snow all over the place, so it’s unlikely that the window was open.
Batman hears everything.
Steam heat?
Entirely possible. Buildings of a certain age were built with deliberately overpowered steam heating systems specifically so people could keep their windows open even in the winter.
This comic alone was worth increasing my Patronage. 🙂 You’re worth it and so much more, thank you Jake~!!!
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
This page amuses me.
I’d like to see a fanart page, where all the fanart can be browsed.
I remember a fan once made a photrealistic Modest, and I’d like to look at it again, but I don’t want to dig through every single page.
I’ve been meaning to make one forever. I’ll see about doing that soon.
Thanks Jake!
Medusas… So like us.
Moonshade Butterfly has created a new character for the comic universe: Awesome Medusa.
I’m so glad you like her 🙂 I really enjoyed drawing her and it introduced me to your wonderful comic ^^
I think it turned out great!
Hey will we ever find out what happened too the other Medusa’s
I think every kid yelled to their window at least once in their life.
I didn’t o-o
My childhood is unfullfilled ; – ;
I’ve been rereading your story, but a question just came to mind that ive never considered before: how does Modest move?
Does she slither around like a snake? Or does she hobble around like a walrus? She probably “snakes” around, yeah?
It’s not really something I ever thought about until about a year ago. I think she probably slithers over long distances and hobbles short distances. But I’m not sure.
To utilize biology, Jake, her body weight would prevent her to slither as a snake would, as her scales cannot lift her up. She cannot move directly forward. The same and the disproportionate size of her body, she would not be able to hobble. At the present stage of her life cycle she would be force to slither from one side to the other and back with a tilt to achieve a forward motion as a legless lizard would, which is much slower and limited. Her hip bones might be able to rotate to keep her upper body turned towards her goal.
Perhaps later, when her body mass and muscles concentrate more in her snake tail, she will be able to support herself more and slither or hobble, but not yet.
Pardon: ‘The same and the disproportionate size of her body would prevent her to be able to hobble.’ And her one or some of her bones might be able to rotate, the hip bone is not compulsive.
But she has no hips. Doesn’t this mean she has no hip bones?
gah, compulsory* *-*
There are undoubtedly some advantages to living literally across the street across from your school.
I imagine most of the downsides involve never being able to use most excuses.
“I forgot my homework.” “Go get it; I’ll wait.”
“All school buses are cancelled!” “So? Hurry and put your boots on.”
“Sorry I was late today, traffic.” “By traffic you mean too many people wanting to use the bathroom at once?” “……Yes.” “And none of those responsible adults –many of whom work from home– would let a little girl who needs to get to school go first? Not buying it kid.”
“Um… My dad says–” “HEY JAKE?” “Nooo! Don’t ASK him!!”
Uh huh. Its even worse when your teacher is friends with your parent.
or when your teacher IS your parent (I was in my mothers classes several times as a kid)