– Sorry for the filler, everyone! I just can’t shake this flu, or whatever it is. All day yesterday I was feeling beat and every now and then the room would just start spinning. Weird. I’m feeling better now (at 6am on Friday), but this whole week has been uncomfortable, and I just wasn’t able to get much done. I hate to miss two strips this week, but there’ll be more comics on Monday, I promise!

patreon ad– Today’s filler is a wallpaper for Patreon patrons. Everyone gets to see the art of course, but only Patrons get the wallpaper sized image. Thanks Patrons! I’ve been watching Clone Wars on Netflix this week, so of course I wanted to draw Medusa as a Jedi along side Ahsoka! For those of you who have been contributing to my Patreon, thank you so much! The extra money has been a huge help this year. The Kickstarter generated a LOT of money, but all of that went away very fast to pay for printing and shipping and all that. Patreon helps me pay for studio rent and art supplies, as well as more personal stuff like prescriptions, travel expenses and whatnot. It makes a huge difference, and I really appreciate it!