– Sorry for the filler, everyone! I just can’t shake this flu, or whatever it is. All day yesterday I was feeling beat and every now and then the room would just start spinning. Weird. I’m feeling better now (at 6am on Friday), but this whole week has been uncomfortable, and I just wasn’t able to get much done. I hate to miss two strips this week, but there’ll be more comics on Monday, I promise!
– Today’s filler is a wallpaper for Patreon patrons. Everyone gets to see the art of course, but only Patrons get the wallpaper sized image. Thanks Patrons! I’ve been watching Clone Wars on Netflix this week, so of course I wanted to draw Medusa as a Jedi along side Ahsoka! For those of you who have been contributing to my Patreon, thank you so much! The extra money has been a huge help this year. The Kickstarter generated a LOT of money, but all of that went away very fast to pay for printing and shipping and all that. Patreon helps me pay for studio rent and art supplies, as well as more personal stuff like prescriptions, travel expenses and whatnot. It makes a huge difference, and I really appreciate it!
Immediately I’m thinking, “Hmmm… Medusa x Jedi…”
Yeah, I was thinking this too. Did you ever try Jedi X Sith? It didn’t work as well as I hoped it would, but it almost worked.
Sounds like you got Con Crud. You might start taking some of those Airborne chewables to help boost your immune system.
Those just don’t seem to do anything for me.
I signed up for Netflix just to watch season 6 of the Clone Wars. Pretty dark stuff. I think Jake’ll like it.
forget double sided lightsaber, being able to use at least 4 while conducting a conversation is pretty impressive!
Modest is just a padwan. Her hair is her jedi master.
Love the picture, literally finished the series earlier this week. Too good man, too good. Also, was really cool seeing you at ECCC. Hope you kick the illness. Peace.
I note that her snakes are more belligerent than she is. Mixed emotions maybe?
Yay! Modest and Ahsoka! they’d make an Awesome team!
Modest could totally be her Padawan.
love that medusa is terrified and her hair is busy being badass
Shouldn’t … Other… Jedi… Lady… ( I feel bad for not knowing her name) be Marah?
I was going to put Marah and Obiwan in the background, but I ran out of room.
Everyone I know seems to have had the flu or cold lately, and it’s a nasty one, too. I finally came down with it myself, last week. The odd thing is that I’m pretty much a shut-in, and have no visitors for weeks on end. Who did I catch it from? I’ve come to the conclusion that our society is being destroyed by no less than “the telephone flu,” or “teleflu.” It spreads through the phone lines, cable TV, your ISP or even your cell phone.
The robe suits her much better than any pants. She needs to get one in the main comic.
Yeah, she does.
Health problems again? Don’t write it off like last time.
This one is just a flu, and mostly just dehydration. I’m feeling better now. but thanks.
Sounds like you have got the con crud, emerald and Sukura con are well known for that 🙁
This is the first time it’s happened to me, after 4 years of seattle cons.
Umm… but isn’t this the scene where all the Jedi get shot in the back and die?!
You know, I find the concept of her hair being more capable then Medusa herself completely acceptable.
Birthday came and went. Got a new computer and little else, but am totally not complaining! Minecraft runs so balls-fast I am almost afraid of it. From 6fps on minimalist settings, to 25fps with maximized settings… AND fancy graphics!! *o* Its so beautiful! So blocky beautiful!! Also, this site loads much faster for me now, so I’m a happy chaotic one!
Something just occured to me. Gorgon became one giant snake and a bunch of little ones with presumably a shrivveled husk of a medusa body at her tail {or did that fall off by now?} Modest has one of her snakes constantly eating food. Does that mean it’s the dominant snake which will grow bigger and bigger and become the one Modest falls too?
I love it! 🙂
My stepfather is addicted to Star Wars the Clone Wars.