:O eeeeew, I guess the snakes can’t tell the difference. Oh, but awesome comic.
how much of those things must he be eating for his poo consistency to be like a chocodile?
Over 9,000!
What?! 9000?!
There’s no way that can be right! Can it?!
That’s just, wow…amazingly random.
Ahh!!! Flush the toilet, man!
Toilet water and chocolate covered twinkies are num!
dude didn’t your mother ever teach you to flush afterwards?
Hey, sometimes it doesn’t all go down.
Thaaaaaaaat’s gross
Wow….thats just…wow. (promptly throws up internal organs)
Suddenly, my headcanon that she can taste through her hair-snakes is a little disgusting…
That seriously lasted like, what? 10 minutes?
Chocodiles are #1. Wait…
More like #2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ewwww! I really hope she can’t taste what the snakes taste D-:
Medusa plz
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:O eeeeew, I guess the snakes can’t tell the difference. Oh, but awesome comic.
how much of those things must he be eating for his poo consistency to be like a chocodile?
Over 9,000!
What?! 9000?!
There’s no way that can be right!
Can it?!
That’s just, wow…amazingly random.
Ahh!!! Flush the toilet, man!
Toilet water and chocolate covered twinkies are num!
dude didn’t your mother ever teach you to flush afterwards?
Hey, sometimes it doesn’t all go down.
Thaaaaaaaat’s gross
Wow….thats just…wow. (promptly throws up internal organs)
Suddenly, my headcanon that she can taste through her hair-snakes is a little disgusting…
That seriously lasted like, what? 10 minutes?
Chocodiles are #1.
More like #2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ewwww! I really hope she can’t taste what the snakes taste D-:
Medusa plz