In case you missed it, here’s my half of the art ย trade with Emma T Capps, of the excellent and somewhat silly comic Chapel Chronicles.
Also, my copy of Super Dungeon Explore finally arrived today! It looks pretty amazing. I’m looking forward to getting a few games in next week over the Holiday. I’ll take some picks next week after I have the figures assembled.
And if you play role playing games or like Shojo manga you might be interested in this short podcast by Pete Figtree, where he talks about introducing my shoujo dating sim game G x B (Girl x Boy) to the teenage girls in his high school game club.
Also, I’m offering this image as a t-shirt at cost for anyone who wants it. Unfortunatley cost is still about $10. Sorry. I’m currently looking for a cheaper shirt maker that can still do POD. Anyway, since a few of you had asked for the image on a shirt I thought I’d offer it.
aww now i feel sad for Medusa she didn’t want to turn purple princess into a statue, but i wonder if she actually has any control over the snakes at all or are they just living team?
I feel a little sorry for the snakes now.
Oh sweety!!! I wanna hug her!!
*maternal instincts activate!*
I just noticed Bulbasaur on your head. Despite all the expansions, he’s still the best Pokemon ever.
Now, now. We all know Slowpoke is the best pokemon.
And I agree, that little girl needs a hug, badly.
Aww, poor Medusa ๐
This raises an interesting but simple question.
Would a gorgon consider those to be her snakes or her hair?
To quote the mermaid, “Your hair is staring at my boobs.” Medusa’s response was that she was either too embarassed to correct the mermaid or that she considered hair to be a correct term.
Of course, that raises the question of whether the hair is male, lesbian or just very curious.
Well, since the part of a snake’s anatomy that determines whether it’s a boy or a girl is near the tail end, and these snakes don’t HAVE a tail end, their gender can be whatever they want it to be.
you are assuming they are apart of her natural anatomy, for all we know the mother may have changed her into what we see now and that does raise another question if they are why did they act on there own, i still like to know are they just a natural living team.
team= do the snakes defend there host or does the host have any say to what the snakes do or are the snakes just separate entities that exist on her head but live on there own. we seen her feed them few times.
as well as feed her when shew as hungry
One could ALSO theorize that the snakes might not be independant or joined with Medusa’s psyche, but rather a small mix of both. Perhaps subconsciously?
SHE might not have wanted to have the snakes bite her but deep down, she wanted to be freed and was scared and panicked, so she subconsciously lashed out, through the snakes. This would also go back toward you notion, DarkMyste, that they fed when she was hungry, regardless of whether or not what was on hand was edible.
That’s my objective side, and while *I* think it’s possible. I’m sure it has a few loopholes in it.
… or hungry.
poor medusa, being saved by her ‘do muffed up the program. let’s hope mom doesn’t really eat her.
I wonder if it only takes one the the snakes’ bites to start the process, or if it requires multiple snakes to do so. Like a two part epoxy or that bomb in Die Hard With A Vengeance.
The more that bite the swifter the process, perhaps?
Yah! She finally got some cuddles.
Blame it on the snakes that were crawling, crawling
Blame it on the mers, that were whining with their spite.
Whatever you dos,
Don’t blame it on Medus’
Blame it on the snakes, yeah, yeah.
I know, bad, but it was going to be stuck in my head all day if I didn’t inflict it on… I mean share it with other people.
clap, clap, clap
she sticks the knife in the tree… then its gone. o.o
Question not the mysterious ways of the enchanted forest
Its probably behind her head so we cant see it ^^;
I figure she removed it because she was thinking about what that whole scene would look like if someone were to draw a webcomic of it (because who knows, right?) and she suddenly realized that the knife sticking up from behind would look like it was stuck into her head. She naturally had to remove it so she wouldn’t look silly. It’s what I would do, after all. ๐
It’s sitting beside her in the grass, next to her sword and their hats. You can’t see them.
If you really want to get picky, Marah didn’t havethe knife in the last frame of the last strip. So it wasn’t THE knife that was in the tree but one of those wild knives of Yeld and it ran away when Medusa started crying. The wild knives of Yeld are very sensative and can’t stand to see children cry.
Awww medusa’s adorable.
This. Is the saddest strip. EVER. Jake. How could you make me cry? ๐
Oh, Jake, the expressions in the last panel are so perfect. The Medusa’s sweet, sad face, and Maria’s confused, determined, yet sad face. How do you do it? You’re great!
Lets hope medusa doesnt turn this around and blame marah cause she chose to stay at the inn in the first place.
so you were all like “NEED PRINT ON DEMAND” and I was all like “remember when I told u about here is a link for the FAQ on POD:”
I tried to tell ya about them a while ago lol…hope they work out for ya!
I’m still considering them. They seem like a good option. But I also need some small scale resin stuff done in a limited run (like 10 copies), and I don’t think they’ll work for that.
Where can we order the books at?
The future. I’m expecting books in mid December. As soon as they’re in hand you’ll be able to order them right off this site.
does mm not have any control of her snakes or is it subconsciously controlled. what if the snakes bite Marah or comic Jake? is it possible or a way to reverse its effects? not even the BM 2 didn’t deserve such a fate. Marah recently has seemed like a mean person ever since she came to Yeld plus she threatens so many people with that sword.
The snakes probably go slithering off independently at night while Medusa sleeps. Kind of like a Pennangalan vampire but not as gross. Next time Jake takes her in for an MRI we can see how the snakes attach inside her skull.
Jake needs health insurance before that can happen.
i myself don’t currently want kids, but i would take a medusa for sure. so cute!
Awww Medusa, it’s ok they had it coming
Wow. I literally almost cried. This was heartbreaking.
Aww snake hug. Good job, snakes. We know you mean well.