In case you missed it, here’s my half of the art ย trade with Emma T Capps, of the excellent and somewhat silly comic Chapel Chronicles.

Also, my copy of Super Dungeon Explore finally arrived today! It looks pretty amazing. I’m looking forward to getting a few games in next week over the Holiday. I’ll take some picks next week after I have the figures assembled.

And if you play role playing games or like Shojo manga you might be interested in this short podcast by Pete Figtree, where he talks about introducing my shoujo dating sim game G x B (Girl x Boy) to the teenage girls in his high school game club.

Also, I’m offering this image as a t-shirt at cost for anyone who wants it. Unfortunatley cost is still about $10. Sorry. I’m currently looking for a cheaper shirt maker that can still do POD. Anyway, since a few of you had asked for the image on a shirt I thought I’d offer it.