Modest Medusa won the 2011 Drunk Duck Award for Best Overall Comic Strip! Modest Medusa first appeared on Drunk Duck in early 2011 after a rocky start over at Webcomics Nation. It’s no exaggeration to say that big part of why MM became so popular so quickly was Drunk Duck’s super friendly and supportive community. When I finally decided to move the strip to a lot of the Drunk Duck readers followed us over, but I think it’s a real testament to the strength of the community that so many continued to read the comic there. I’m pretty sure Drunk Duck will always be Modest Medusa’s second home. Thanks everyone!
Also, the Washington Post Comic Riffs is looking for nominations for 2011’s best webcomics. Lets see if we can get Modest medusa some attention! You can head over to the article and mention Modest Medusa in the comments, or email them directly at
You’ll remember that I mentioned Tyler Tinsley’s Kickstarter last week. Tyler is close to reaching his funding goal for this amazing set of papercrafted toys and and games, but still needs a bit of support to reah the $1000 mark, where he’ll include special Modest Medusa game pieces for his game Bluffing Style Chess. Tyler is a pal, and I really dig BSC, so I’m totally encouraging you to donate!
Speaking of Kickstarters, if you’re looking for a cute holiday gift for a kid who is just a bit to young to enjoy Modest Medusa, please check out the Kitty Egg Crayon Kickstarter. My friends and neighbors Sara and Ben have created this super cute set of custom made beeswax crayons. They are very, very cute,a nd totally worth your donation!
The Modest Medusa Kickstarter? Thanks for asking! The books are still expected sometime next month. For those of you waiting for Chocodiles, I’m expecting word from the distributor that those will ship this week or early next week. Stickers and hand colored panels will of course ship with the books themselves, but prints will likely be sent out near the beginning of next month. I’ll need to check in with Lilineko to see how that hats are coming, but I think we can expect to see those next month as well! Please let me know if you have any questions.
nice dress. i’m suprised Jennifer doesn’t have anything to say that her and purples nicknames are the bitchy mermaids.
Or just The BM’s for short!
It’s the black, makes her look taller in the first panal. (That or the mermaid’s wearing heals which will start a whole line of conversation).
Technically, it’s not Jakes fault that Jennifer/Green Mermaid lost her best friend and her eye.
Mudusa killed Purple in self defense, and Marah only took out Greens eye in self defence.
They technically brought it on themselves.
And technically, the Jake that the green mermaid is talking about is at fault because HE DREW IT ALL. A bit of perspective shift, I know. 😉
Yes, I should have been clear that this strip takes place in “the real world”. I should have drawn Jennifer out of costume, or something.
Well now we have a third universe where all the fictional animals are actors and actresses on the Modest Medusa Tv Show.
Um, Jennifer, where is your co-acceptor? Locked in her dressing room, no doubt, so that you can hog all the glory for yourself. Best friend indeed.
If the award for best comic is some sort of stone mermaid I’m laughing.
Heh now i cant get the image of Purple mermaid locked in the dressing room trying to get out the door pinned shut by an massive crate of chocodiles till medusa shows up and eats enough to decrease the weight of the chocodile crate and purple can burst out with a vengeance.
Aw, now you almost made me like the green mermaid! Almost.
My goal is to eventually make her likable.
Did you mean Likeable or Lickable Jake?
Can’t it be both?
Hey, congrats!
But yeah, I think this comic dropped out of the “all ages” category ever since the chainsawnicorn chopped off an arm. Either that or the whole XXXBox joke.
Nah, it was never all ages, except at the very beginning. As soon as Jake peed on the Medusa and her snake ate a poop it went PG 13.
Nice name xD
Congrats, Jake! I’ve liked your comic for quite some time; think I came across it within the first 6 episodes iirc, but have followed it through webcomics nation and drunk duck to here. Great work! Interesting about Drunk Duck and their fans; if someone wanted to start their webcomic in a community, would that be a/your top pick? What criteria did you use to select a starting point for your series? (you can email me if it’s too long of an answer to post) Thanks and once again, congrats!
DD is a great place to start a comic. In fact, I’ll very likely start my next comic there. The reason is simply that the community is active and supportive. Webcomics Nation by contrast has an invisible community. I know that there are several readers over there, but it’s simply not a community, and it doesn’t encourage feedback and support in the same way DD does.
Hehe characters and their roles in a comic are two COMPLETELY different things as I always say. 😀
Heh. My best friend’s mom is named Jennifer Hill.
I thought I had chosen a name at random, but the more I think about it he more familiar it sounds. I
congratz! i haven’t been by the duck in a while, but i know it is a well deserved win.
Purple isn’t “dead” per se, she’s just….. stoned. Petrification is rarely considered a “kill”. Usually they are considered alive in the stone (unless the stone is shattered), and *usually* has a means of reversal, like in Star Wars or in Final Fantasy. Just get a bloody gold needle and quit whining.
That said, you don’t look bad in the black evening dress there, “Jenny”.
Woot! Go for it Jake! Long time reader here, since (near) the beginning. I always knew this comic had promise, with it’s adorable art style, humor that is both easy to get and is hilarious at the same time and a level of violence and action that doesn’t diminish from the aforementioned cuteness. I’m just wondering what other random mythological creatures will stop in and say hi. Should be nice!
Till next we meet!
Thanks for being here since the beginning Ed.
Well Jen that’s what you get for thinking when you’re not used to it
so are they shipping to you or to us? because you know the kickstarter payment was screwy and i had to do mine through paypal.
The books ship to me, and then I ship them to you. Don’t worry, I saved your address.
I actually the mermaid looks sexier in the black dress than in seashells…
Wow. What a way to make such a tragic comeuppance into comedy. I was wondering how you would make the scene less serious. LOL!!!
there is something beautiful about the way you draw and also hot mermaids in little black dresses but i digress great comic and glomp
i see she grew her eye back
Yeah, her eye looks fine. Huh.
Was. Was an all ages. Until a chainsaw unicorn appeared and took a guy’s arm off.