Wait, it just occurred to me, what happens when a toothfacer assimilates a fully sapient bug? Does the bug stay in a trance forever or just keep it’s free will while going about it’s life while part of the hivemind?
I don’t know if the Toothfacer is a hivemind. I actually don’t think it is. I think bugs could even come and go, going about their business as usual. There must be some benefit though that keeps bugs wanting to come and live in teh toothfacer and be part of it. Maybe they also like teeth?
Food? Toothfacers are sort of a spirit that embody a sack, and they they fill the sack with something they like, like teeth or bugs. If they eat normally some of the food going to the bugs seems reasonable, though they could collect teeth or leaves and not have a need to share.
I feel like I missed something major. Big scary threat that was even thrashing the guardian wolves.. and now suddenly Marah is playing matchmaker for a bug. o.o
I’m going to repeat the comment I left on the Patreon about interspecies dating. The participants should be in at least the same genus, these jokers aren’t even in the same phylum.
And now the guy made of bugs is saying that it’s weird to date a bug, I guess that you’re doing this gag on purpose then.
Wait, it just occurred to me, what happens when a toothfacer assimilates a fully sapient bug? Does the bug stay in a trance forever or just keep it’s free will while going about it’s life while part of the hivemind?
I don’t know if the Toothfacer is a hivemind. I actually don’t think it is. I think bugs could even come and go, going about their business as usual. There must be some benefit though that keeps bugs wanting to come and live in teh toothfacer and be part of it. Maybe they also like teeth?
Food? Toothfacers are sort of a spirit that embody a sack, and they they fill the sack with something they like, like teeth or bugs. If they eat normally some of the food going to the bugs seems reasonable, though they could collect teeth or leaves and not have a need to share.
Even in magical fantasy world, it’s weird to date a bug. Some things truly are universal.
“Beetlemania” – nice.
Thank you.
Viva la weirdness.
Mara be all, “Ok, so I DO understand this world better than I thought”
When the folk’s standards of a new weird world are weirdly like the ones of your ol’ erstwhile one.
It’s ok Marah, others think it’s weird as well. Still, it’s a mermaid thing or just Shelly’s thing?
(Also, any chance for cast list?)
Yeah, I’m working on it.
Love finds a way!
I feel like I missed something major. Big scary threat that was even thrashing the guardian wolves.. and now suddenly Marah is playing matchmaker for a bug. o.o
wait im at the end dang it
I’m going to repeat the comment I left on the Patreon about interspecies dating. The participants should be in at least the same genus, these jokers aren’t even in the same phylum.