I really miss 7 Eleven hot dogs… though 7 Eleven is not a place where one should be getting a staple… not if you are in the vicinity of someone that loves you, at least.
This brings back memories…
We had this guy in our pen ‘n’ paper group. Totally relaxed, civilized and and cultivated. But he did this running gag where he would just ironically blurt out “P**IS* in a way that nobody could help but laugh, or at least grin. Even the ladies. A completely stupid joke, but his timing and delivery was so perfect that it worked every time. Maybe it worked _because _ it was so stupid and untypical for him.
…No, he wasn’t saying Paris.
This seems on the surface like it shouldn’t be as funny as it is, but really, non sequitur + farts always = LMFAO. I keep coming back to this just to shake my head and smile! Really, NEVER ask WHY you love something (or someone), just DO.
If she could teach her snakes to make fart noises then you’d have a very dangerous source of annoyance on your hands.
Is her hair farting?
Is she distracting Jake so he doesn’t beat her high score?
Is it random silly behaviour?
(I vote for #3, lolz!)
This was actually part of a longer strip that was destroyed by a 7-11 hotdog. So you guys will never see the rest of it.
Curse those 7-11 hot dogs!!
I really miss 7 Eleven hot dogs… though 7 Eleven is not a place where one should be getting a staple… not if you are in the vicinity of someone that loves you, at least.
Kyle Kinane said that.
I still miss 7 Eleven hot dogs.
Fart jokes. Way to be classy, while defusing the drama from the last post.
(•_•). ( •_•)>⌐□-□. (⌐□_□)
*inserts “old” after about*
Scatalogical humour at its best.
Just fartin’ around after school.
This brings back memories…
We had this guy in our pen ‘n’ paper group. Totally relaxed, civilized and and cultivated. But he did this running gag where he would just ironically blurt out “P**IS* in a way that nobody could help but laugh, or at least grin. Even the ladies. A completely stupid joke, but his timing and delivery was so perfect that it worked every time. Maybe it worked _because _ it was so stupid and untypical for him.
…No, he wasn’t saying Paris.
I’ve been in that D&D group before.
I’ve not been in that group. Sounds a bit straight laced for the gamers I hang with.
He who smelt it dealt it
This is the best short comic about farts I’ve ever read. And that is 100% true.
Straight and to the punchline. I like it.
not sure if she’s saying that in the imperative, the declarative, as an exclamation, or as a misunderstood onomatopoeia.. i just know I love medusa.
Modest! You ‘re supposed to do that with your hands. *Shakes head*
Hahaha not what I expected for your next strip.
But the change of pace is welcomed. 🙂
All that tension from the last comic had to come out somewhere 🙂
Somebody didn’t quite understand the joke eh? 😀
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Modest Medusa.
Leaning on her experience as a butt-toucher.
(I’ve been known to say meow… Such as at work)
(Head peeks around my office door)
“Are you meowing?”
“… Okay.”
My sister does that too. She’s so good at it that REAL cats respond.
She also purrs.
Toilet snake says hello.
That’s awesome. What is that from?
That looks like an avatar from Second Life….
It seems to be a fan-made Miia from Monster Musume… coming out of a toilet like Modest does/did.
Dat anime. |:F
This seems on the surface like it shouldn’t be as funny as it is, but really, non sequitur + farts always = LMFAO. I keep coming back to this just to shake my head and smile! Really, NEVER ask WHY you love something (or someone), just DO.