– I’m sure you’ve all noticed that I’ve been posting a lot of strips a little late recently. Saturday and Tuesday instead of Friday and Monday. There’s no real particular reason except stuff keeps coming up and my schedule is a little out of whack.  Hopefully things will settle down this month and I can get back to normal!

Yeld RPG special: Last month we offered the Yeld rulebook at a “pay what you want” price. A lot of people picked it up, and we’re hoping that will lead to a lot of new players in our community! This month we’re offering a special Bundle on DrivethruRPG to give those new players everything they’ll need to get going. The Welcome to Yeld bundle includes:
– The Magical Land of Yeld rulebook
– Mermaid Hunters Starter Set
– Yeld Rank 1 Adventure Set
– Yeld:Quest
We’re offering this bundle at 50% off, which is $12.50. However, if you already own the rulebook its only $7.50! That’s a great deal for new players! This bundle will be available through the end of this month. Tell your friends! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/425432/Welcome-to-Yeld-Starter-Bundle-BUNDLE