– Hey everyone! As some of you know I’ve been working on a Legend of Korra fan comic in my spare time for the last few weeks. You can read the first two pages on my Patreon page. I’ll be posting parts 2 and 4 tomorrow. I hope you like it, because it was a lot of fun to draw!
– You probably noticed that I’ve decided to focus on promoting my Patreon page this month. I’m trying very hard to increase my monthly income to something that’s actually viable. What I want to be doing is more short comics every month. I have more Korra comics that I’d love to draw. I have Ghost Kiss stories that I really want to be working on. I have this great Marah and the Pirates story that I think will be awesome. I have a Team Rocket comic that I wrote and sketched out last year that I haven’t had time to finish. That’s the problem. Right now every bit of time I have where I’m not working on Modest Medusa is spent on finding and doing freelance work to pay the bills. Support through Patreon over the last year has helped a lot. It’s helped me get on my feet after my medical problems and spend more time working on Modest Medusa without feeling like I was killing myself by overworking. I really want to be producing a new 3-10 page comic story every month or so, and getting my Patreon income over the $1000 mark is going to help me free up more time to do that. I love drawing and making comics. That’s what I want to be doing more.
I never really expected my Patreon to hit the $500 mark, and I was amazed when it made it to $800 last summer. That was overwhelming for me. At the time I said that $800 was what I needed to pay my basic monthly expenses, and that’s true. Rent, food and medication. But I spend way to much time trying to secure paying work, and way to much time drawing stuff I don’t want to draw for freelance gigs that pay pretty poorly. It’s not awful work at all, but I know I’d rather be drawing comics for you guys, and I think you’d prefer that too. The $1200 mark is where I can safely focus on making more comics for everyone to enjoy instead of wasting time working for other people.
Every dollar helps and even small contributions are appreciated. You can check out my Patreon page here. If you can’t afford to contribute that’s just fine. Modest Medusa will always be free and I’ll always keep making comics. I know taht a lot of you show your support in different ways, even if it’s just coming back every week to read the comic. I appreciate that too. Thank you all so much!
– Jake
and this is the point you bring up your mom
I thought the exact same thing. But maybe Daddy can help out here…
Or her mom… as in a “Your Mamma” joke. 😀
Random Kid: Yo mamma’s so big she ate your siblings
Btw I rescued them so she doesn’t do that anymore. They live with the horse with a chainsaw in his head.
Modest: I swear, she’s a multi-headed snake who is married to a prince!
Big Nose Girl: Stop making people up!
Modest: I’m not making her up!
Big Nose Girl: *doubtful look*
Modest: Codpieces?
i litterally just said that kids are mean, don’t do this to Modest. ='(
First rule of made up names – don’t go with common (John, Jim, Jane, Julie…). It will sound made up.
Amanda isn’t too common, so it’s the one in a million freak (yeah, that freakish girl has no right to call Mosest weird) who will call you on it. If Modest had said something like Esmerelda Snakehair then nobody would question it because if you’re trying to lie why would you pick something bizarre that would ttract attention to itself. Rare ames have to be the truth.
Hence the number of times Sebastian Gottherd made his way onto my bibliographies throughout school.
Notice, nobody questioned whether Modest is her real name or not. If she was going to lie about her name she would have picked something simpler like Jane or Julie.
There’s an art to lying well.
Aww Modest it is ok to be weird. I am weird too.
No relation to Amanda Hugnkiss.
Yeah, you wouldn’t know my girlfriend. She’s from Canada, but she’s a model and a secret agent who fights terrorists and monsters! I love Modest.
I’d rather have snakes for hair than a big ugly nose :V
I want to beat that little girl with an electrified steel pole, for being such a jerk to Modest
Hmm? She hasn’t been mean yet, she just said Modest is weird. Nothing wrong with being weird.
Ah, yes.
Children and their boundless capacity to embrace things outside their experience… =_=
Well, you are allowed to just make s*** up if you are having a political discussion on the internet.
At least that is what experience has taught me.
Isn’t “Amanda Snake-Hair” a character in Dave Warren’s “Selkie?”
Is she? I haven’t read Selkie for a few years, but I don’t remember that character.
Well, not really, but it would make a great nickname…
Hi, Jake! I have a couple of questions. 1. Was Marah a Vampire Oathbreaker? 2. What exactly is it that humans turn into when they stay in Yeld too long? 3. Why did it take Marah two weeks to transform when it took Chainsaw Unicorn man ten years? 4. If Marah started to transform, why didn’t you? (That is Jake) 5. How long until Medusa starts to wither away? 6. Can you draw Medusa as a Discworld character or a Firefly character? That would be awesome!
A fan who just started
P.S. Give Modest a hug for me.
Good questions!
1. Marah took on the role of Oath Breaker that Urano passed to her. There’s more to that story than what we’ve seen so far though. Things happened between Seasons 2 and 3. She had adventures. However, she never became a vampire.
2. It depends on the person. Marah was growing horns and teeth. Other people might turn into something different.
3. There’s no set amount of time for transformations. It’s different for each person. But part of it is that Marah was exposed to a lot of weird, dangerous stuff in her short time in Yeld.
4. Jake was mostly sitting in a cell for all that time while Marah was off having adventures. Jake just didn’t soak up as many Yeld cosmic rays as Marah did.
5. We don’t know if or when that’ll happen. It happened to her mother when she was about 15, but we don’t even know if that’s something that happens to every member of her species (although what the Prince says in Season 3 seems to suggest that it is a part of their life cycle).
6. We’ll see. I have complicated feelings about Firefly. I love Discworld, but I guess I’m not eve sure what any of the characters look like, other than Death. So I’ll think about it.
Can any of the characters from Yeld change to human when they come to Earth? Also, why did the chainsaw unicorn turn back into a human once when he visited, but remained a chainsaw unicorn when he came to kidnap Modest? Does it have anything to do with where you feel you belong?
It does. He would have remained human if he had stayed. Going back to Yeld sealed his fate.
Thank you! This totally helped me understand the comic better.
modest: i´not weird! all my sisters have snake hair too – its a family trait!!
btw, how come they notice the hair but not the fact that she has no freakin´ leags?!
it was because her lower half was below the lines of the panel, of course.
Sneaky, bite her!
That wouldn’t be a good thing to do, although I could understand the temptation. Of course, the hair seem to have minds of their own.
Amanda Snake hair is a national treasure and hero to many. Big nose should be ashamed for not knowing her.
Wrong, Modest: people make themselves up.
JAKE makes people up! He made up Medusa, and Chainsaw Unicorn, and Charles! (DON’T tell me he didn’t make Charles up. I am very comfortable in my illusions.)
Yes, let’s all mock the girls will the snake body and possibly venomous snake hair. This is best idea!