– Still sick, which is very aggravating Not too sick to work, but to sick to get a lot done or to work fast. So these last few pages are taking about twice as long as they should, and i’m feeling crappy the whole time!
– Drunk Duck is back up under a new name. For those of you who don’t know, Drunk Duck was teh webhosting site where Modest Medusa got it’s start. I’d been updating that site right along with this, but a few months ago Drunk Duck went down and… well, that was it. I’m not sure what the story was. Anyway, I haven’t decided if I should start updating the comic over there again now that the site is back.
Modest was taken prisoner after Urano died, so this plan was made in Marah’s head (some sort of vampire, ghost, samurai mindmeld thing going on there – it’s totally possible). In any event, for him to take on the prince once and for all it means he’s got to come back from the dead somehow.
That or Marah dreamt it all after eating too much eggplant.
Thanks for catching that!
Well actually Urano mentioned Marah and Modest would rescue Jake, so the plan still seems valid.
Obviously, the whole “take care of the Prince” thing is most likely gonna be dropped from the new plan, so I bet they’re going to try and utilize the magic portal still.
I think you misread it, it has urano saying “you AND medusa will free your uncle” not “you will free medusa and your uncle”. so no, she didn’t make it up and jakewhydidyougoalongwiththisguyheiswrongcomeonman.
just saying ^.^;
I hope you feel better don’t push yourself to hard..
Guardian force them to the usual room, not the throne room!
I dunno…I could pick up a couple of pages of a couple of comics from Drunk Duck—Modest Medusa included—but they all stopped updating a while back.
I hear there’s a Pokemon thing coming out today. So, I haven’t Pokemonned since about February 2000. Should I jump back in?
It looks pretty ace!
I dunno what made me laugh harder, the “Hi Urano”, or the (No remembering!).
Silly Urano actually thought he’d live to take on the Prince? He couldn’t even beat the Knight of Chains. It’s obvious that by now, the Prince is an unstoppable force of nature and the only thing you can do is avoid him as long as possible.
“This is a cunning plan, a plan that could not possibly fail”.
Bleh! I hate weeks when you feel sick like that! Get better soon! 🙂
For a moment, when I was reading this I thought Urano came back…
and then I remembered he died. 🙁
You know what…I think the dredge angel should come back and kick that Prince’s f**kin a**!!! -_-‘
no…. no medusa no breaking the fourth wall…