Posted In: comic
– Here’s something nice from Jaymz! Thanks!
And here’s some sketches from the last of the Kickstarter packages. Yes, I’m still sending those out. If you’re still waiting (oh god, I’m so sorry!) your package is on the way (or will be in the next 48 hours).
Third panel’s cracking me up. Nice job.
Might want to correct panel one, where it says: “Waht”, instead of “What”.
And on another note, I wanted to say I’m glad you decided to do this the “hard way”, by posting all the events that occur up to the close of this storyline. I know it had to be tempting to go with the “And then this, this, this, this, and that happened!” comic you posted originally, but I’m really glad you didn’t stick with that.
Yeah, me too.
Thanks for pointing out the typo!
Great thing is, that those of us (like me) who didn’t see that ‘short-cut comic’ don’t have spoilers to…well, spoil our enjoyment of the events leading up to the end of this story arc
Well, it was posted a few pages back if you want to look.
And he won’t be compelled to return them due to the whole forced to be the king’s knight with the magic and stuff.
Exactly! Snake Mom: I’m hungry, fetch me some of my kids won’t you, knight of chains?
Jake’s reaction is entirely justified although I do wonder what DCFS policy on Medusas is.
you know your escape plan is going to work when the abridged version is that your just going to “drop the kids off at the pool”. lol
I have to say, the cigarette smoking was a brilliant touch as a visual cue to character of the mermaids. It makes me curious how the mermaids evolved from the original conception.
Well, if you mean you’re curious how the mermaid characters evolved to smoking from my original conception of them… they didn’t. I mean, they were always going to be smoking mermaids. I just thought it was a funny idea. If you mean how they evolved as the story went on… hmm… I guess they go from being super jerks to kind of realizing that they’re jerks (at least the green one does). If you just mean the concept of mermaids in general… well, that’s an interesting subject.
Cigarettes flushed down the toilet and become soggy so
1.Where did they learn about cigarettes?
The hint comes in the season 2 bonus where the mermaids go to prom with a two headed guy. This to me shows that at some point. A human opened a school for creatures that wanted to attend. In Yeld without high technology we have Cigarettes are probably a seaweed based substitute with the sole purpose of looking cool. There is cliwues and everything .
I am going to go farther that these mermaids aren’t bitches. In fact there is a reason we only see two of them and Momdusa didnt punish them for telling Modest to go where the lake monster could eat her. They were told too
1. It is obvious Modest was meant to escape to our world
Draculs reasoning was if he didnt have the Princesses corpse he couldnt legitimately claim rulership of Yeld. And despite Dragul being an asshat (if you respond to this comment Jake say the Princes name in all CAPS before you begin) he has respects the laws of the land. EVEN the Oathbreakers. When it came down too it Urano was killed fairly easy. Dracul could have done this at any time but LET the villages under Uranos protection alone.
Momdusas reasoning was to escape Yeld and be happy for a time. I wonder if she realizes yet Jake actually loves like a daughter. EXACTLY like a daughter as in she annoys him liie one. Jakes relationship with Marah shows he wants a daughter.
But I digress the mermaid attempt to take Modest home with no bloodshed. Urano died cause they couldnt and force was applied.
When the one eyed one realizes she is working for the bad guys and stops trying to kill Marah. But she doesn’t start working with Marah because she has decided to forego revenge in favor of finding a cure for her friend.
As for her insults toward Modest I imagine it is mostly because
A. Medusas have a reputation for being dumb as we have seen with her sisters
B. Mermaids are Tailpeople medusas are Tailpeople generally each race feels they are 1!
C. 20 somethings find kids annoying.
also the Creature School Headmaster is probably a giant head
Anyway, good theories! I think Yeld produces it’s own tobacco (and probably cigarettes, possibly based on designs from our world). We’ve seen that stuff from Our world ends up in Yeld often enough. Anyway, I shouldn’t comment on the rest.
All it would take to break the primce’s hold on Gorgon is five little words spoken by Modest. “My mom is a Monster.”
Someone sure is holding a grudge against that unicorn. Or is Jake just upset that the sheep don’t escape in this plan?
anyone suddenly have the urge to go fishing?
The thought occured just now, with the fan art and Kickstarter art… Mermaids.. that SMOKE…. do they only smoke above water? Or do they have water-proof cigs? OR do they have waterproof electrical smokes? Ah well, either way, I do know one thing. One of those mermaids must smoke weed… CUZ SHE IS STONED! |:3
They only smoke above water. I bet they smoke all kinds of stuff. Yeld is great for growing.
Ah-hah! My computer bluescreened to death and I lost my bookmarks! I’m so glad I (eventually) remembered this one!
Hey! Welcome back!
….except modest, she´ll go home with you to your world”
Jake: oh, ok, then lets do this!
Jaymz’ piccy – the real reason Mermaids sit around on rocks above the waves.
Oh,yeah….her knight “friend” kind of nearly killed him and chopped off (what’s his name? I kind of forgot) his nephew’s arm. I’m pretty sure Jakes still a little angry about that. He’s tough,though; to survive a car ramming and repeated stabbing.