Posted In: comic
The Modest Medusa Kickstarter is going well! Thanks to your support we’re over 2/3 of the way funded! I’m hoping we can get the rest of the way in the next few days! Please check out the project and support us if you can! You can get the new Season 4 book, the whole Modest Medusa library, stickers (pictured below), art prints (also pictured below) and more! Please check it out!
aww we’re all thinking it Ecks!
aww that is super cute
Omgosh that blush is too cute. She’s so proud and happy to help Modest….ohhhh the feels-!
That is TOO CUTE!
Maybe that’s why Sneaky doesn’t like magic. It can be used to kick down doors and leaves no privacy.
Awwwe, cute Ecks. Given how fast she grew compared to the others, she just might be the big sister.
Modest: Maybe you’re the real big sister!
Escbox: *blushes*
Careful Modest, you might cause her to blu-
Too late.
Someone please correct me, but was I thinking that earlier we found out that Modest was different because her snakes were boys? Obviously this is inside her head, but that just crossed my mind that how come the snakes in her head aren’t boy snakes.
Oh wait, nevermind it was a dumb moment. The other snakes HAVE been boys, this is XBox NOT one of her snakes. Sorry!
You got it. I know having about a dozen characters in the comic look like the exact same person is a little confusing.
Hold on one second… Hm… Yep, I thought so.
This page is so sweet it just gave me diabeetus.
…Worth it.
Why do snake toddlers have navels/belly-buttons? Those are a vestage of live birth, like nipples and nursing.
Its been mentioned a few times that they have humanoid features as a survival mechanism to better fit in with humanoids.
Aren’t egg-hatched animals still attached to a yolk inside the egg? That would explain it too, I think, belly buttons I mean.
Nipples on the other hand… but Medusae don’t have those! Lolz!
Blushu~ Hee hee!
Wait a moment…
I just found out that pirates-of-yeld-part-19 (July 2016!) was the last strip of season.. 5! And The kickstarter only offers Season 4? How outdated will it be compared to the website and how much time will it take to catch up?
Jake, maybe you could potentially release at least both seasons 4 and 5 together on current kickstarter? Or maybe finish the current season too and then release 4-5-6 all at once?
Technically the Pirates of Yeld story happens in between seasons 5 and 6.
My hope is that Season 4 (which is this current kickstarter) will be out in August, and that Season 5 will be out this winter. Season 6 (the current season we’re in right now) should wrap up during the Fall of this year, and I hope to have the book out by next spring. That will be about 3 seasons in a year, which is a lot. I had considered combining Season 4 and 5 into one book, but that would be a pretty big book, and expensive both to produce and buy. Season 6 will be even bigger, but really needs to be a standalone book as well.
When Season 4 comes out it will be about 2 seasons behind the current strips, but I think its a mistake to think of them as outdated. the whole point of the books is to collect the older strips (along with additional comics and commentary), so by definition they’ll always be “outdated”, no matter when they are released. But there has been a very long gap between the season 3 and 4 books. Life got in the way. Once we get caught up I’m hoping to return to doing a new season about once a year.
In any case, the Season 4 book needs to happen now. People have been asking for it for years and without a new book to sell my income has dwindled down a lot. Thankfully the kicstarter is going well. Thanks to generous readers the book is about 80% funded, and still has 2 weeks to go. Like the other books, this one will have a lot of bonus content.UNLIKE the other books, I’ve had a few years to plan that content, so we’ll see some interesting things!
when your sister is a nice young lady and also a giant snake monster and also your hero.