Posted In: comic
– Did anyone else get Star Wars legion this week?
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider supporting the comic by checking out my Patreon, Ko-fi or store! The links are right above this post. I really, really appreciate your support!
– This week I have some new original Modest Medusa art available for sale in my store (right here). These illustrations are one of a kind, available on a first come, first serve basis and will remain on the store until sold. I’ll be making new illustrations available every week or two, so make sure to check back and see whats there!
Solid black eyes.
Oops. the eyes are always the last thing I do. I forgot! Fixed now.
Didn’t notice until now that Naga had pink eyes.
Tails to Legs!
Wait, that’s mermaid magic.
And now I’m seeing Ecskbocks as a doofy looking snake with sexy woman legs.
Just legs sticking out at random angles.
Hmm… I’m wondering if Auntie’s solution for Modest’s obstinate snake will help her when she goes back to school?
Was there a purpose to the spell, seems it didn’t have one?
Yes, we’ll see eventually.
Ok cool, thanks for the reply
Is this ominous? It feels like something is coming up. I hope I don’t wind up angry with Auntie Naga.
How could you be angry with Auntie?
Rar! Bad Auntie! Don’t mess with Modest’s snakes! You’re betraying her trust! Bad!
Like that.