– Today is the last day for The Magical Land of Yeld Kickstarter (it ends at 6pm PST). The project has been incredibly successful, and is currently over 250% funded with 520+ backers. I’m blown away. Nick and I thought this would be an uphill battle and that we MIGHT get funded on the final day, so it’s been amazing to see how many of you have been really supportive and enthusiastic. Thanks so much! We’ve met all of our stretch goals so far, and our final open ended stretch goal was to produce a short piece of Yeld animation. Our hope is to produce something like a Yeld movie trailer that can be used as both a promotional tool for the game and a pitch for future projects (maybe a Modest medusa project). A good portion of everything we’ve generated past 26K will go toward that animation goal, and right now we’re at 32K with half a day to go, so we may end up having a pretty okay budget! I’m excited! If you’d like to help us fund this or get a copy of the Yeld book please check out the Kickstarter here.
Meanwhile, here’s some new art!
A bunch of Fairy soldiers.
Deb the purple Mermaid, no longer a statue!
The Prince.
So many sheep!
Modest is about to let go.
actually, the final panel seems to show her rather clearly letting go. ain’t no “about to” about dis 〜( *^*)ノ
I noticed. The longer panel made me disassociate it with the rest of the strip.
Whoa! Way too many feels on that one!
“I’ll form the head” is the first thing that went through my head after seeing the first panel.
But OMG, that is some devious Mermaid Magic right there!
Poor Medusa was doing what she thought was right.
And she probably was right.
I have a feeling that Jake is going to jump in after them anyhow, possibly everyone else as well.
A very simple deception, effective!
The toilet ruse was…a distaction!
“No longer a statue…”
Wait, so there’s a way to reverse the transmutation?!
Apparently there is.
Uh-oh… like, that’s good for anyone who’s transmuted accidentally, but Deb was an all around unpleasant and dangerous person o_O
And she can turn swords into gold. Why do we still have war?
Or maybe she’s turning gold into a sword? Maybe that’s how you buy things in Yeld. 😉
No, in Yeld you buy things with eggplant.
Whoa! Illegal adult move on Modest’s part. 15 yard penalty.
Jake better have good reflexes to grab her!
Questions! Always so many questions!
Enough talk! Just go down the ruddy toilet and into the parallel dimension!
Ah– oh. Never mind, then.
Oh if only my toilet could flush full sized adult bodies….
back to shoveling, I guess.
Baaaad Modest. This is some tricky stuff right here. Why not bring at least Jake in the middle, between you two? He’s like your dad!
AWWWW S**T, Son…
Awwwwwwwww S**T, son…
I’m surprised nobody commented about Medusa switching hands. She was holding Jennie’s with her left and Jake’s with her right and then she’s “letting go” with her left hand.