Posted In: comic
– Sorry this update is a little late. I had a lot of fun at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo this weekend, but as usual after a show I needed a day to get back to speed. Friday’s strip should be right on time though. Thanks for being patient!
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider supporting my work by becoming a patron through Patreon. Your small monthly contributions keep this comic going and are greatly appreciated! You can check out my Patreon here.
Jake, How should I describe this webcomic when advising it to my peers?
Umm… it may depend on your peers. I usually pitch it as fantasy adventure slice of life comedy.
That is some delicious word soup, Jake. 😛
I see the makings of an adventuring party with a warrior, mage and rogue as part of it so far.
That would be fun!
Stolen pie tastes better, everyone knows this.
Guilt though, has a lingering bitter aftertaste.
Welp, someone’s gonna learn a harsh lesson – especially from that last panel suggesting she’s done a LOT of stealing.
I love how they aren’t commenting on how Modest has let her snakes out of the tie.
Oh. Oh… Oohhh…
Pfff this is easy. Pick up the entire pie, run (er, slither) off with it. You have illustrated why stealing is bad.
Shut Up looks a little uncertain about whether stealing is bad or not now. Poor Shut Up.
If the pie didn’t want to be stolen then it wouldn’t be so delicious.
Hole. Shut up is the other one. But even I’ve made that mistake before.
Hey man, it was just a FAIRY good pie!
Cause…the Fairy made it…and it’s like…very…