Posted In: comic
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider becoming a patron through Patreon. A small monthly donation of a few dollars helps me keep making comics and is greatly appreciated. You can find my Patreon here.
– I’ll be at the Portland Retro Gaming Expos Oct 21-22nd. I’ll have some new Modest Medusa prints maybe? Or some stickers? I’m not sure.
– If you’re in the mood why not vote for Modest Medusa on the Top Webcomics thing? You can vote here!
The bunnies are evil. They must be slain. Rabbit sword ho!
Who’s Shin again?
Shin is the Shepherd.
For a moment there I forgot Shut Up was her name and thought Modest was saying “Shut Up,” to express suprise.
Yeah, I bet a lot of people did.
Why not both? 😀
Modest! You shouldn’t go outing your sisters like that with people within earshot!
Crush tally rising.
There and back again has 133 parts. Any thoughts of breaking it up?
Nope. I decided to number it because I wanted to specifically show and make readers aware of how long Modest Medusa seasons are. We’ll return to the titles for individual episodes next season.
The names get me every time. XD
Well, looks like someone found out how to get Shut Up to shut up.