Posted In: comic
– Montage time.
– I’ll be at Rose City Comic Con in Portland on the 9th and 10th of September.
– Also, the Yeld coloring contest is happening right now! Enter to win some original art! We’re choosing 3 winners at random and you don’t need to be a Kickstarter backer. All you need to do is enter! Here’s all the info.
– The Kickstarter is just 5 days from being done. I think we’ll be announcing our next stretch goal later today. We’re ALMOST at 400 backers and 200% funded. I’m amazed!
“But can you turn down the blindingly bright white light first?”
Bring the 3DS, though, you might have to barter for something.
And cue the mermaid & Modest sneaking out that night…
Or perhaps they’ll wait until they all get to Yeld, but that seems more complicated eh?
This may seem like asking a question about something I’ve missed or forgotten…but, do guns work in Yeld?
Good luck finding more ammunition, though.
Because a sword was sooooooo effective last time. Modest was right to be concerned; Will brings nothing to the party.
Maybe I’m full of stereotypes or something, but they’re Americans, in America, right? Where’s their gun arsenal?
None of them own guns. I mean, most people don’t. The number of gun owners I know is very small, especially in Portland. I’m pretty sure none of them would loan me a gun.
In New Mexico, on the other hand, EVERYONE owns gun, and open carry is something that’s allowed and not uncommon, especially in the smaller cities and away from Albuquerque.
I was working in a convenience store for awhile, and a pack of bikers very clearly wearing the markings of belonging to a biker organization came in, and right out in the open they had revolvers on their hips. I thought for sure I was going to be robbed and shot… nope. They bought their gas, some cigarettes, and were very polite and went on their way with no trouble whatsoever.
It isn;t uncommon to see someone sitting on their front porch with a shotgun. The local Walmart used to carry AR-15s (I’m not sure they still do, though).
Having come from California (with VERY strict gun laws), it was a VERY new experience, and for sure I experienced some degree of culture shock.
Jake, if you were to ask, I would loan you the .22 Magnum revolver I have. .22 because if I am to try and stop a home invader, I don’t want the bullets punching through walls and hitting innocent bystanders. magnum, because if I hit an intruder, I want them, to know they’ve been shot.
It also holds 10 shots, so it’s a four shot surprise for those expecting only six shots from a revolver.
I learned to shoot as a kid in scouts and I have a healthy respect for guns and gun safety and think guns are pretty neat and fun to draw, but I have no desire to own or use one. I think comic Jake feels the same way.
Since guns are a no-go, how do you feel about a portable-ish Nuclear Accelerator with an attached Neutron Wand? 😛
Bikers in general are really nice people.
In spite of there being something like 3 guns per american, those 3 guns are held by less than 40% of americans. Which means that those gun-owners have, on average, 8 guns each… (the numbers are drawn from a broad estimate; if someone knows the actual numbers, feel free to comment the correct numbers).
Those numbers are an estimate of ‘legally owned’ guns. Many States have little or no real record keeping, but it should still be close to accurate.
And usually estimates are based ‘per household’ which has a variable number of adults, around 60 million total? Not counting kids, so it’s not out of the total population.
Of course illegal guns aren’t counted, in these numbers, afaik.
But yeah, 3-4 guns per owner on average, although most only have 1 or 2, so a few with a large number really skew the totals.
Looks like Jenny got what’s important.
Aren’t these people Americans? Why aren’t they bringing guns? Some vintage/decorative saber and a hatchet isn’t going to be much use against trained warriors and witches wielding sword and sorcery.
Yeld even has guns! They’re bringing knives to a swords-and-guns-and-also-magic fight.
Why would you want to bring the Playstation, Modest? There’s nothing to plug it in to in Yeld. I… think?
“You can bring the original xbox controller though, since I am fairly sure its primary purpose is as a mace of some sort”
They’re not all gonna flush themselves down that toilet are they?
I like how the one guy is like, “Well, I’m going to a magical kingdom. Never a more appropriate time to use this sword.”
RCCC is definitely Sept. 10th and 11th. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dose no one have a gun? I can’t remember where they live that might be why but just wanted to ask.
None of them have guns.
I like how the ones that saw the chainsaw unicorn are also the ones packing weapons.