Posted In: comic
– I thought it would probably be a good idea to do a strip where each sister was clearly identified by name, since I know telling them apart can be hard!
– My friend Elaine is doing a kickstarter for the third volume of her excellent Peter Pan series. I f you’re a Peter Pan fan, or just a fan of good comics, you should totally check it out! Here’s the link.
Now she’s a swimming Hole. (rimshot)
Seriously though, the swimming spot is the bend in the river between the waterfalls? Yeld is way behind us in child safety.
Maybe it only drops half a meter (uh.. one and a half feet xD) there? Still, the current would be way too strong for me. Snakes (or people with their swimming parts being snakes) should be able to deal with that better, though.
We don’t see how short the lower fall is. I’ve been in streams like this that were safe.
The de facto ruler of Yeld literally murdered a child in a duel, his de facto queen(?) eats most of her children, a couple mermaids sent Modest to get eaten by a lake monster, Shin is clearly an experienced warrior at like 12 years old, and a bunch of 5-6 year old medusas (who are technically fugitives) spend all day working a farm without supervision.
Yet THIS is what makes you question Yeld’s child safety regulations?
“Scorecards! Get yer scorecards! You can’t tell the players without a scorecard!”
Someone comments elsewhere, “There are more sisters? Correct?
Maybe? We know that there were more than 5 sisters when Modest met them in the gorgon’s lair. We know at least 6 escaped the lair with Modest and made it out of the castle. One of those was Raccoon, who was separated from the rest and found by Pirates. Then there’s Glados, XBOX (who we haven’t seen), Science, Hole and Shut Up. So actually thats probably all f them. Sadly, the Gorgon is still probably chomping some sisters.
Woo, infinity pool!
Yayyy rivertime!
Moderate challenge Shrine.
Such as A “Modest” Test of Strength?
Oh! Yeah!
Seems that stunting the snakes also stunts the medusa’s mental development.
Surprised they arent in a deeper pool, what with the fact that (i think?) they can breath under water….
…now i’m imagining ‘natural’ medusa families, like schools of fish
“Crab battle!”
“Stop saying that.”
“C-crab battle! Broke my snakes.”
“Shut up!”
“… What?”
Seemed appropriate.
Coming soon
on Nickelodeon!