– This strip will make way more sense if you’re a fan of Legend of Korra. I am and I hope you are too. The series ended it’s 4th and final season last week. This strip is a pretty huge spoiler, but if you care you probably already know what happened anyway, especially if you’ve been on tumblr the last few days. The series ended with Korra and her friend Asami in a romantic relationship. Which is pretty great for a number of reasons, the least of which is that these were both really fantastic characters who I was rooting for since early in the second season of the show. Despite subtle hints I never really had much hope that we’d see an interracial bisexual couple on a children’s cartoon, but there it is! Korrasami is real. I can’t help but smile every time I think about it.
A lot of you sent me emails and messages after the show aired asking if I’d seen it and what I thought. It obviously made me really happy. I’d never bothered with shipping before, but I shipped the hell out of Korra and Asami, and of course my love for the characters was passed on to Medusa. If anything, I’m a little sad that we’re leaving the characters just as their relationship is beginning. I’d love to see another season of the show so we could watch their relationship grow (and watch Korra beat the hell out of things, because that’s one of the joys of the show for sure).
I’ve had a few people respond to my posts about Korrasami by telling me that actually there’s no evidence that the pair actually get together, and that they’re just good friends. I don’t know what to say to that, other than that their relationship is plainly obvious to me and thousands of other fans. Oh, and both creators of the show have publicly stated that the show does end with Korra and Asami in a relationship, and that they were building toward this since the beginning of Season 3.
So yeah, my ship is canon. I’m thinking about making myself a t-shirt. Something like this:
I’ve read a lot about the Legend of Korra finale this week, and here’s what I’ve come away with. The series didn’t need to end with Korra getting together romantically with anyone. The story didn’t demand it, and Korra certainly doesn’t NEED to be in a relationship. The season arc and finale were about defeating Kuvira and her army, saving Republic City and bringing lasting change to the Earth Kingdom. The narrative didn’t demand a romantic happy ending, and Korra going off by herself into the Spirit World would have been fine. Similarly, if Korra had decided to rekindle her romance with Mako that would have been fine too. It would have been pretty strange considering their history, but it wouldn’t have done much to change the end of the series. The same if she had inexplicably hooked up with Bolin, Bei Fong, Naga or any other characters. Asami is different. Ending the series with the confirmation of Korra and Asami’s relationship is a reflection and confirmation of the series’ themes. The Legend of Korra is a series about embracing change, whether that’s the change of the Equalist’s movement, the change of the Spirit World or the change of the Red Lotus’ philosophies. In each case Korra faced enemies who were violent and destructive, but also at least partially right. Korra learned from her enemies and embraced that change (although not always without struggle). Asami represents that change. Asami is the unintentional endgame of the failed Equalist movement, a powerful, intelligent non-bender who shapes the world around her. An inventor, industrialist and leader who is helping to move the world into the future. Amon wanted to elevate non-benders by eliminating bending. Zaheer wanted to empower the common people of the world by ending their reliance on the Avatar and returning power and personal agency to their hands. Both were wrong in their approach, but right in their assumption that the world was changing. Asami is that change. Ending the series by having Korra and Asami in a relationship is a reflection of the series theme of change and Korra’s own acceptance that the Avatar’s role has changed. It’s the perfect thematic endcap to the series, and meaningful in a way that a relationship with Mako or any other character could never be.
So yeah. I liked the series. I’d recommend it.
I honestly don’t see it as a relationship! Everyone is telling me that they are apparently in love and blah bleeblooblah, but I just didn’t see it. My brother didn’t either. Just looked like they went into the spirit realm together! Agh! Unless they kiss, I ain’t confirming no hearsay or do-tells! I need validation!
Well, they’re kissing all over tumblr. You can go check it out if you want.
Its a shame the makers didn’t dare to show the kiss. but still
Apparently the showed what Nickelodeon would allow them to show. It is too bad.
There’s certain websites that shows them kissing and other things…
This is so very late, but I would just like to say that while I have no problem with lesbian relationships, I find it utterly ridiculous that Korea and Asami ended up together. There were signs that they were friends and if anything best friends, but the fact that they did get together angered me. My biggest problem with the show is that the creators don’t know how to do romance. Aang and Katara weren’t even well done. I wish they just didn’t do romance in the show at all. I also hate that this perpetuates the stereotype that strong women are lesbians. It’s like you can’t be strong unless you like vaginas. (And yes, I know that they are both bisexual.)
Well… I do agree that the show usually doesn’t do romance well. But I disagree about Korra and Asami. I feel like the build up to their relationship was subtle, but I think it worked and I think it was believable if you look at it as close friends who realize that they want to be more than that.
As far as all strong women in media being lesbians, that can be a problematic trope, but I don’t think it applies here. Keep in mind that Lin, Su, Opal, Toph, Jinor and Eska are all very strong women (both in the sense that they’re well developed as characters, that they’re physically powerful and that they’re effective in their roles in the world), and there’s no indication that any of them are lesbian or bisexual. If anything, the show could probably use more queer characters.
Thank you for properly saying bisexual couple not lesbian, a lot of people have very annoyingly gotten this wrong, as ot erases the fact they are.
Considering the creators themselves came out and said ‘it is canon’ you can’t get much more confirmation than that.
Seems to be a lot of doubters, so many in fact that the creators threw in… http://ca.ign.com/articles/2014/12/23/the-legend-of-korra-co-creator-explains-the-finale-and-korrasami
More directly: http://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/
If that is supposed to be true, then as much as I enjoy Korra, that was shoddily done. I don’t recall seeing ANY build up for that. Was there chemistry that I missed or something? They just looked like they were consoling each other throughout the last two seasons here, then suddenly BOOP, love! :/
Methinks I’ll hold off believing that until I see it spelled out for me IN THE SHOW. I don’t mind being wrong (because sure why not, she’s dated everyone else in the group, who next? Opal?), it just seems so hastily done that I just didn’t get that feeling.
You should look back (if you care to). There is actually a lot you missed.
– A lot of Asami’s dialogue in Season 3 as she and Korra are becoming closer mirrors Mako’s romantic dialogue from Season 1, exactly. There’s also several scenes where her physical actions are mirroring Mako’s romantic actions from Season 1. That stuff isn’t done by accident and it’s not a coincidence. Everything in animation is explicitly planned and choreographed.
– Asami is by Korra’s side through 85% of Season 3, rescuing her several times and being her friend and confidant. During group scenes in Season 3 Asami is always show prominantly (unlike Mao and Bolin) and is usally shown standing next to Korra. When bad things happen to Korra, it’s usually Assami’s reaction we see first, and hers is always the most severe.
– Asami ends up taking care of Korra at the end of season 3. At thw beginning of Season 4 she’s still the one taking care of Korra, and even offers to leave everything behind to go with her to the Southern Water Tribe.
– When Korra reads the letters from her friends it’s Asami’s she reads first, and Asami is the only one who tells her how much she misses her. In the years that Korra is gone she only ever writes to Asami, and apologies for not writing more often, saying taht it’s hard for her to express what she wants to say.
– Asami is the only one of Korra’s close friends that shows up to greet her when she’s supposedto return to Republic City, and is visibly devestated when she doesn’t show up.
– Later, when Korra does arrive, Asami runs to hug her and then immediately compliments her. There’s long, lingering physical contact and eye contact here, and including a very seductive smile on Asami’s part. Korra responds by telling Asami that she looks snazy, and that’s the point where Korra blushes. Not when Asami compliments her, but when she returns the compliment. They’re flirting. By contrast, her reunion moments later with Mako is far less warm and a little strained. She looks away from him as they approach and only hugs him for a moment.
– While having dinner with Mako and Wu, Asami (who is sitting right next to Korra) lets it slip that Korra had been writing her. Mako gives them a confused look and says “What’s going on with you too?”
There’s more stuff than that, but these are all key moments. The Korra/Mako romance was built quickly and obviously. It was teh B plot of season 1. The Korra/Asami romance wasn’t even a B plot, but that was fine. It didn’t need to be. It was built slowly and subtlety over two seasons. They became friends and grew closer, and when Korra needed Asami, Asami was there. Somewhere along the line they discover they have feeling for one another, and by the time the series ends they’re ready to be with each other. It’s not explicitly spelled out, but it doesn’t need to be. The clues are there if you look for them. It’s purposely subtle, but it’s also not a secret. Mako figures it out, after all.
I recall all these scenes you mention, but I didn’t see their interactions as “flirty”. But whatever, I’m sure I’m just in denial or something. Shouldn’t be tho. They would be cute together.
Well, that’s the other thing. You don’t have to see it. That’s fine. I mean, it wasn’t exactly the A plot, so it’s not surprising that some people missed it. It played out in the background. There’s been plenty of times in my life where two people I know are all the sudden together, and I’m like “when the hell did that happen?” I just wasn’t paying attention to small things that didn’t matter much to me. With Asami and Korra, it’s there for you to notice, but it wasn’t the focus of the story.
Guess I’m just so absorbed into the main plot (I rather liked the Kuvira plot, because Empires ALWAYS work out so well :P) that I wasn’t paying attention to any smaller potential plots.
Alternatively, I’m just not so good with romance and noticing it. Knowing me, I could believe the latter. :/
I dare anyone to go back and watch the final scenes of the Season 3 finale and tell me there’s nothing there. #ShakesFist
I know. It was during their “date” at the beginning of season 3 when I first thought “wait, could this actually happen?” And apparently that was where it started. You can see it building all during season 3, but it’s subtle. It’s not romantic yet, but there are hints of attraction. By teh time season 3 starts it’s obvious something has happened, and you can see it for sure when they first see each other and Korra blushes.
Uh… hi… yeah my post above… right there. There’s yer doubter.
Spoiler warning much?
Sorry. It is a spoiler. On teh other hand, it’s not a spoiler to the actual season plot.
and to think they called me offensive when I pegged korra as an obvious lesbian
But if you consider her history, she’s actually *bi*. Afterall, she had the serious hots for Mako early on.
Well, a person can have a hetrosexual relationship and than later realize that they are actually gay. But according to the series creators Korra and Asami are both canonically bisexual.
Sorry Jake, but I don’t agree, a person either is born gay or hetrosexual.
You can be gay and pretend you’re not, hide it, if you will, but you always know you’re gay.
There’s none of this “I just found out I’m gay” in the real world.
Sure there is. Its way more complicated than what you’re describibg, at least for some people. A person can have several relationships with people of the opposite sex before realizing that they prefer people of the same sex. That happens all the time. Not everyone knows theyre gay from day one. How woukd ghat even work? Some people are certain from a young age, others come to the realization late in life after gVing lots of different experiences.
Whether you agree with it or not, it’s true. I lived 44 years of my life being as straight a guy as you can be. No doubts at all. I loved girls and I still do. But one day I literally turned around, saw this guy, and went, “Holy shit, he’s hot.” Then I started noticing that I had a thing for blond guys. And that was it. I realised I was bisexual. So Korra being bi is dead on perfect. Sexuality isn’t an all or nothing affair. There are many, MANY shades of it. A whole rainbow, even…
Uh huh. Clearly it’s not the same for everyone, but it is this way for some people.
Towards Novyal I call BS on a person only being straight or homosexual, that it is often more of a spectrum. Where sure you have those who are only attracted to the same or opposite gender, yet then there are those who find themselves attracted to both in one degree or another. Some may not even realize their attraction to one right away, having a preferance for the other, yet bisexuality is very much real and I will not see this erased.
Also, calling someone who is “tomboyish” as “an obvious lesbian” IS offensive and very outdated—even if you are just joking. It’s something I’d expect to hear from some old fart like my 70+ YO FIL. Many women are have strong personalities regardless of their orientation, and orientation doesn’t necessarily impact the stereotyped gender roles a person takes on.
Jake didnt Naruto end with the kids still technically able to be called kids and Shippuden begin with them in their late teens early 20s. actual Question since I never watched it. Even if not Dragonball was years before Z and Z was years before GT so dont give up completely on hoping for more.
That’s true!
The anime of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden where both based on a manga called Naruto. Like wise Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are based on the manga Dragon Ball. In both cases the manga didn’t stop, they just added something at the end of the title for some reason at a time skip. A better example would be the Battle of the Gods, which the first new addition to DB in a while. That came in a while after Z ended.
What I am waiting for are the comics. After Avatar the Last Airbender ended, and they scrapped the movie idea, they started a comic book series that shows what happen to the colonies, Zuko’s mom, and a few other things. When they said that the girls are bi they also said that Korra comics are in the works.
Im hoping for some good comics, but I had really mixed feelings about ghe Avatar comincs. But if I dont like the korra comics I guess I could just make my own.
Do it do it do it! 🙂
I am really, really thinking seriously about it.
Some time ago Modest wanted Chocodiles back, and shortly after they returned. Next she wanted Korrassami, and now that is a Thing.
I can only conclude that you can, or perhaps only when channeling Modest, alter reality and ‘do the thing’. I would like to implore oh great reality bender that you only use your powers for good. Please spare us an great calamity or suffering and seek instead to make this world a better place. Do you have a suggestion box or something to her ladyship the Goddess Modest? Does she take requests?
What miracles will you do next?
You know it’s kind of funny that about two years ago I almost did a comic where Medusa plays Ocarina of Time on teh 3DS and then wants to play the sequel, but complains that it’s not available for the 3DS. Of course, in a few months it will be!
Try to use your powers only for good, Jake.
I won’t be happy until Godzilla and Mothra becomes canon!
The beauty of the ending is just how open it is. There’s just enough fruit there to feed shippers and leave plausible deniability despite what the creators say. What sold me was the letters. Korra didn’t write or communicate with anyone else in three years except Asami. Pretty big signal there. I like the ship I think it’s real but the debate goes on and that’s part of the magic. Also the series was pretty amazing as a whole and I wonder what they’ll do next. Probably something completely different. Slice of life school setting romcom anyone?!
Heres a question for modest- We all know your favorite food is Chocodiles. But what is your favorite Drink?
That shirt should have the two on the bow of a ship. Just for the sake of symbolism. Maybe with the words “My Ship Has Sailed”. Or not, whatever.
Bota puns are fun. They’re the only kind of puns I like.
It ended like a bad ship fic!
Also all the people joking about Korra being a lesbian when the show first started (cause she was muscular and not very girly) were right! Stereotypes are magic!
So… yeah. They confirmed. It’s not “open” or “subject to interpretation.” They’re gay and in a relationship:
“Our intention with the last scene was to make it as clear as possible that yes, Korra and Asami have romantic feelings for each other. The moment where they enter the spirit portal symbolizes their evolution from being friends to being a couple. Many news outlets, bloggers, and fans picked up on this and didn’t find it ambiguous.”
Over here on the RWBY fandom, I and MANY others are still waiting for Bumbleby (Blake Belladonna X Yang Xiao Long) to become canon…
Don’t stop believing.
so…..what are YOUR favorite RWBY ships Jake?
i.e. White rose/ice flower, or Bumblebee, Team Sloth, Arkos, Nuts and Dolts, seamonkey, e.t.c?
Honestly, I haven’t watched enough to have an opinion. I’ll make that my goal for this week.
I’d be more excited, except for some strange reason Korra doesn’t play on any of the Nick channels over here anymore. I have to go online to watch all my episodes, which is why I’m so far behind.
Yeah, that was super inconvenient. There’s a popular theory that says that the network decided to stop airing the show and shifted it to online only around the time they realized that it was going to end with an onscreen same sex couple. I don’t think that’s unbelievable, but I think it’s much easier to believe that Nickelodeon just had no idea how to promote the show or who it’s target audience was, and ended up kind of giving up on the whole thing after season 2 because it just didn’t fit in with the rest of their line up. Which meant we all had to hunt around online to find episodes. It was annoying, and I know a lot of people who missed most of seasons 3 and 4 because of it.
They’re just really good friends! Like B-ko wanted to be with C-ko!*
*bonus points for anyone that knows what I’m talking about without searching.
That would be… Project A-ko? Which I haven’t seen in almost 20 years.
I loved those movies…so dumb.
godDAMMIT SPOILERS >_< I haven't watched ANY of it yet because I live in the wrong country, and everywhere I go people are posting spoilers. You're all selfish ASSHOLES!
I’d probably have written it as:
“They Canonned My Ship!”
Still awesome!