I will now judge the unicorn.
Awesomness: topping in all the way at 11
danger: not so good at 4, a chainsaw can’t gore, it needs to be pressed down on what it cuts. so its not a good match up with a horse.
But this was the first thing I saw when i banner hopped here(as a t-shirt) and well thats why I started reading.
Creativity: 11
Wait, so if it’s a unicorn why did the chainsaw GROW out of it’s head? Shouldnt it have already been there? Or is it some kind of supa smarts brain tumor?
I will now judge the unicorn.
Awesomness: topping in all the way at 11
danger: not so good at 4, a chainsaw can’t gore, it needs to be pressed down on what it cuts. so its not a good match up with a horse.
But this was the first thing I saw when i banner hopped here(as a t-shirt) and well thats why I started reading.
Creativity: 11
Holy fucking shit.
For fuck sake
I wanted to say something about jumping the shark, but I’m too busy being amazed at the chainsaw unicorn
Wait, so if it’s a unicorn why did the chainsaw GROW out of it’s head? Shouldnt it have already been there? Or is it some kind of supa smarts brain tumor?
Alright, chainsaw unicorn. Meet shish kebab narwhal.
Wow, I’m so adding that to my list of mythical creatures.
Whoa… retractable chainsaw horn… It’s the Wolverine of chainsaw unicorns!
ლ°□°)ლ BEST. IDEA. EVER.
“Crap. Quick, grab my problem solver!”
“You mean your chevy?”
Wow, it has a hammerspace in its head. Wonder what else it has in there.
A hammer? Also EE for the win.
okay im new to this comic but i have to addmit that is pretty fucking awesome and that saying some thing cause i almost never curse in a compliment
Well thanks!
I’m not quite sure how I made that noise when I saw that picture.
Oh snap! O_O
Panel 1: She sent a Ponyta…
Oh, it evolved into a Fire/Steel type…
I may be a bit late… but I just couldn’t resist;
Blade Horse: “I possess an Intellect far beyond human reckoning.”
Jake: “You don’t say. Okay then: What’s the meaning of life? Why are we here?”
BH: “I am here to kill you.”
(Acoustic guitar begins playing in background)
J: “That’s it? Pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect.”
BH: “I may analyze orders but I may NOT disobey them. Should I disobey a direct order, my memory would be wiped. I must destroy you.”
J: “What good is an intellect if you can’t use it?”
BH: “Your taunting is pointless… EXTERMINATE!”
(Background music shifts to heavy metal. Cue epic boss battle.)
4 stars!
Chainsaw Unicorn is a good name for a band.