IDK if its obvious, but Cbar and Tenzin are both based on real people. I barely know either of them, but I have known them for a long time. So when it was decided they’d be in the comic, I thought it would be really fun for them to just be really nasty villains. We’ve ended up with some pretty sympathetic villains in the past. Ms. Booth, the mermaids, the Chainsaw Unicorn. The Gorgon. Some of you have even told me that you like Prince Dragul. I thought it would be fun to have some characters who are a mirror to Marah. They’ve also been trapped in Yeld, but they’ve decided to go full awful. They became vampires and just embraced the worst aspects of it. Of course, they’re kind of endearing in their own way. And they’ve been a lot of fun to work on.
Finally, the sword!
Ouch, that’s a lot of blood…
Oh hooo, take that, Cbar!
Even small wounds on head produce lot of blood.
Good villains are what makes good heroes, eh?
The modern trope of making the villains “likeable” & redeeming them is… it gets tired after a while. Good villains stay bad!
“Vampire twit” says the girl with fangs 😅
They are going to kill you but you’ll be back again. You may need your arm then. Hmmm … on second though, you will be lucky if they JUST kill you.
Cbar is definitely fun. But creepy.
Marah, might I suggest decapitation followed by cremation?