Our Kickstarter is wrapping up! Today is our final day, and I’m happy to say that we’re over funded and we’ve met all of our stretch goals. Not only are we going to be able to produce a nice Yeld Starter Box, but we’ll be able to produce a lot of great free extra content for Kickstarter backers and other Yeld fans to enjoy! You can check out the Kickstarter here!
And by the way, since we’re overfunded we’ve decided to give a nice chunk of our extra profit to our hard working hype team as a bonus! Emma and Arcin have worked really hard running the Yeld twitter account and newsletter and helping out on Discord, and we really appreciate it! Even though the Kickstarter ends today, you” still have a chance to support the project and get your Yeld stuff through Backerkit next month. And of course, Mermaid Hunters will be available through our store this summer!
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. We’re so excited to continue to bring Yeld to life, and we couldn’t do that without your help!
– Jake
It really does depend on how you define magic. There’s a great quote from Housepets (comic) where a time traveler from the past has TV explained to him. The main character tries to say its not magic, the time traveler says, “You mean you’ve harnessed the power of lighting and use it to show you pictures for entertainment and you don’t call it magic?”
Yes. We’ve seen her before.
Oh god it’s that woman. I have the distinct feeling this is not even a little bit good.
“Who are you, and why are you wearing a trash can lid on your head?”
Mysterious figure gets so few chances to be sassy.
Dun dun duuuuuuun
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Clarke’s 3rd law.
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” Agatha Heterodyne
Eek! We’ve seen that hat before …
I’ve forgotten; do we know what an oathbreaker is? I seem to remember it being in this toon before.
We haven’t had an in-depth explanation, but Urano in S2 was described as an Oathbreaker, and in S7 Shin is described by the Fairy soliders he kills as an Oathbreaker too. A few weeks ago I posted a short story about the Princess of Yeld and her insurgency against the Prince, which was called ‘The Oathbreaker Rebellion”. In the Yeld RPG Oathbreakers are anyone who stands against the Prince, but also describes a traditional kind of hero who fights on behalf of the common folk of Yeld using strength and powerful armor. It appears that when Urano died he passed his duty to Marah.