Posted In: comic
– I can’t believe it’s December already! Wow! I feel like it was just Summer. Really, I feel like it was just Spring. This year went by so fast.
– The current Modest Medusa art auction ends on Saturday morning. Check out the ebay listing here.
*sniff* So many feels!
Aww. That letter, it brought the hint of tears to my eyes! Excellent job, Jake.
No words only tears now.
I cry every time.
That’s so sad!!
why are you doing this to me? i don’t deserve these feels
In the fellings…
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Letter can be transformed into something like “Pigeon-Post”, when it teleported into magical world of Yeld. Maybe Marah can receive letter?
All that emotion, all them feels…. straight down the toilet!
I can’t help but feel that letter will make its way to… Well, someone.
hope she gets it somehow…
What is the word she needed spelling help with? I would think it would have… Snake handwriting?
Yeah, I should have varied the handwriting on a few of the words.
No, it’s good. Modest wrote U I and R, Serpentina wrote the rest.
Awww… so many feels.
Stupid dust… * cough cough*
Also, which do you think is faster? Magical toilet or USPS?
Well, the toilet certainly takes the mail away faster.
I’m not crying, there was something in my eye…
*sniffs back tears* I must say, I’m relieved. If Marah’s mother is sending Modest Marah’s dresses, she doesn’t blame Modest ……
The toilets, like the internets is a series of pipes and tubes after all.
Toilet/internets. Same thing.
I’m not gonna cry… I’m not gonna cry….
Aww… I hope she’s right about what she’ll be like when she grows up. ^^
Pay close attention: THIS is a true hero’s legacy. Not kingdoms raised, not kingdoms razed, not the skulls of their enemies displayed for ten generations, not hefty books gathering dust… but someone inspired to be good.
Modest’s Mother (reading letter): That’s just playing favourites! *hisss*
Gorgon is still crying over Modests….HOLY CRAP IDEA! green mermaid get an anonymous tip how to cure petrification. The reveal being its from Gorgon trying to become a better (person?)
Hmmmmm. Is she on to something? Will Marah get the letter? Is afterlife a thing, at least in Yeld (or did Marah just continue her monster transformation into something more alien)? Are there differing unspoken assumptions here?
Did Jake get to read the letter???
Hey Jake I was wondering is Dragul a fallen drudge angel which now I AM LORD VOLDEMORTS into Dragul Geden or is he basically a fanboy/thanos trying to be like them? or C. Eyeless helmets look badass?
helmets with horns (eyeless or otherwise) are just a Yeld cultural thing.
Shut up, I’m not crying YOUR CRYING
Wait, what word was she having trouble spelling?
Awwwww! ♡
All the feelings!
Also, Jake and Charles have done a great job teaching her how to write.
And the naughty snake.
Well, thats the end of that character.
(psst, I know she might come back.)
I having trouble reading this comic. The stupid screen keeps blurring up!
Does it? Thats weird. I’ve been having trouble with my host. That might be the problem. I need to switch soon.