– In case you’re wondering, Modest used Word Dance last turn to increase Scyther’s damage from 30 to 60. Lots of Pokemon this season!
– Hi everyone. I’d like to mention that you can support my work on Patreon or Ko-fi (or by ordering stuff from my store). I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that I don’t make much. Since the pandemic money has been especially tight, and I’ve had to spend more and more time on freelance work and commissions to pay the bills. Which means less time making comics and art for you all to enjoy. Recently things have improved a little due to several very generous readers, but I could still use your support. If you can spare a small monthly contribution through Patreon or a tip through Ko-fi I’d really appreciate. Your support directly help finance both my comics work and pay my living expenses!
Interesting what it takes to inspire Jenny.
I don’t know the Pokemon card game, but with most CCGs, the key to winning is building the deck. Modest doesn’t know how to build a deck, but Jake does, and after buying 32 packs, I’m sure he wouldn’t have been able to resist “showing” Modest how to build a deck.
i think the fact they are playing 5 vs 1 can influence the outcome of the match
Modest uses Gamer Domination
Its Super Effective!
Gruff though this pep talk is, it’s constructive and sadly, probably among the nicest someone’s really treated Jenny. Her past doesn’t excuse some of the things she’s done but it goes a long way to explain why she turned out how she did. It’s nice to see her light up at the end there, I think she’s emotionally very naive and immature after living her life isolated and at best only tolerated or used by others. Hopefully being away from Yeld will see her turn things around and get a fresh start now that she’s becoming more aware of others and their views. There might be something to that mermaid pure heart thing after all!
There might be! I think she realized that she needed a fresh start but didn’t really know how to do that. Instead she just fell back into old patterns.
It’s her predator instincts, she always knows when to go in for the kill!
Having recently replayed the Pokémon TCG Game Boy game, I was struck by just how much of the game was random chance with little to no player agency (assuming that the player didn’t intentionally make bad decisions).
I assume it’s better these days, though, just like how Magic: The Gathering’s rules have been overhauled several times over since the 90’s.
Anyway, I’m rooting for Jenny here, of course!
I honestly have no idea. I haven’t played the game for at least 15 years.
So let me get this straight, when they were kids they were essentially abandoned in the woods but the local village, instead of adopting them, they just left them to fend for themselves? Geez, I guess that stuff like child protective services doesn’t exist in Yeld, I guess that it explains how she turned out the way that she did though. Say, did they keep them out of the village and keep the girls inside because they were paranoid that they would instinctively kill the women so that the men would mate with them?
I don’t think the village people were afraid Jen and Deb would hurt the girls. After all, the villagers don’t seem to be really doing anything to drive them away. They just don’t want them in the village and don’t care about them at all, and are happy to leave them outside the village to starve or freeze or get eaten by a monster.
Jake I really hate to do this but I just gotta know beforehand. I got invested in two other different webcomics who’s authors just happened to be sjws, also known as pc culture, wokesters, or as I like to call them wokeheads. To be clear, wokeheads just use the idea of being progressive as an excuse to be horrible to everyone and ruin things for real people in need, and people like me notice their presence on both the left and right of the political spectrum, they’re commonly known as political extremists. Anyway I really enjoyed and got invested in those webcomics, but eventually the time came when the authors noticed me speaking out against the left wing version of the cult, and then told me off with their delusions of fighting bigotry while subsequently banning me from the comments section, and I weirdly enjoyed their comics so since they were so good it wasn’t possible to tell that they were wokeheads. So I just wanna know beforehand instead of unexpectedly being let down. I was gonna list my email here incase you didn’t want this conversation in your comments section but I realized that it might just leave me open to doxing.
I feel like my politics aren’t a secret. They’re pretty well known. I’m guessing that I am what you would refer to as a “sjws, also known as pc culture, wokesters, or as I like to call them wokeheads.” If that bothers you you’re welcome to stop reading. That seems weird to me, since we’ve never had any kind of negative interaction as far as I can remember and it seems like you enjoy my comic. But if that’s a deal breaker for you, so be it. I’d be sorry to see you go.
I’ve never banned anyone, except for spam bots.
Whoops, meant to post on the most recent update.