I have been so exhausted the last few weeks. Well, years really. I’ve decided that once this season is over (which is soon) I’ll be taking two weeks off. I haven’t really had any time off for a few years.
So they need to get rid of the insects. What eats insects? Shrews. So an enlarging spell on shrews? No. MST3K warned us about that. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0767119/
Mermaids are hawt, but weird and strange.
I thought it was Kate who thought it was raccoons.
It was, nut Jenny eventually started yelling at the raccoons too.
Does anyone stay dead in Yeld?
Well, Deb never died.
I like how one comic ago this was a kaiju battle and now it’s two estranged friends arguing with each other.
Meg’s just sitting in the background, like, “Umm… Is the fight over? Can you turn me back now?
So are there now a bunch of giant insects wandering around the school?
So they need to get rid of the insects. What eats insects? Shrews. So an enlarging spell on shrews? No. MST3K warned us about that. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0767119/
can you put down the exausted and traumatized for life little girl before continuing the discussion
Actually, she’s unconcious, so in theory not traumatized for life. In theory.
i am pretty sure that be kidnaped by a sentient swarm of giant insect would leave even the most sane person a little traumatized.
Yeah Jenny, sometimes things are about raccoons
Yeah, Jenny, you’re not the center of the universe! Now, net question, Deb, why did you attack everyone? That was very rude.
Deb did not attack Jenny; she attacked Modest. Now, if Deb is not actually spying on Jenny, then – – –
Deb, hate to break it to you but you ARE raccoons. A whole family of ’em.
Thats a great insult (or compliment)