The Kickstarter is done and submitted, so now it’s just waiting to be approved. That could happen today, tomorrow or… well, who knows. I’m going to go get some lunch, then come back and get some other work done!
Huzzah! and general congratulations all around. I am looking forward to seeing if I can give you my money after work today!
…also (and I’ve never done this before) first!
Good work Medusa. Have your snakes work while you sleep so when your awake and they sleep they will simply be hanging down asleep giving her a cute lil hair down look.
hahaha cuuute, I totally know this feeling! I’m like this after my big commissions/after events, etc. Annnd w00t-w00t! Yay for your kickstarter, we can’t waaait 😀
“To sleep–perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause.”
Huzzah! and general congratulations all around. I am looking forward to seeing if I can give you my money after work today!
…also (and I’ve never done this before) first!
Yay!I can’t wait to read it, but why are all the snakes doing to work…
no, its not animal abuse, its the snakes’ shift.
Well I didn’t think about that…
Good work Medusa. Have your snakes work while you sleep so when your awake and they sleep they will simply be hanging down asleep giving her a cute lil hair down look.
hahaha cuuute, I totally know this feeling! I’m like this after my big commissions/after events, etc. Annnd w00t-w00t! Yay for your kickstarter, we can’t waaait 😀
Thanks. I wish I could say I was going to take it easy, but I’m not. Sleep when I’m dead.
I want to wake up with hair that never sleeps.
Hell, I just wanna wake up with hair
OMG the snakes are adorable.
Great! I gotta say I just love this picture!! (It would make a great mousepad, btw)
Called it
Watch out, the snakes are unsupervised, this could be bad!
I’m pretty much ready to make a triple-digit donation. :3
Thanks! I’m pretty much ready to take one! Just waiting on Kickstarter now.
I know how jake feels except for the hard working bit I have oppressive wave of exhaustion over me and i have to fight to stay awake
yey congratz 🙂
lol the snakes work while they sleep how cute
“To sleep–perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause.”