So wait. The mouth of a giant monster leads to Jake’s bathroom toilet. So does that mean that all the stuff that goes down that toilet go in to the monster’s mouth, or maybe it goes into his stomach. hmmmmm I better not think about this anymore. O_o
Presumably her EVERYTHING has touched the pipe Jakes poop slides down when he flushes. The tongues of the hair-snakes seems kind of minor by comparison.
Didn’t Medusa tell Jake the portal was in the closet? But she came out of the toilet first…so…confuuused D:
Closet, Water closet … Is there really that much of a difference?
Never heard anyone call a toilet a water closet before.
… Well then, there’s a thought. ]:
Water closet is a commonly-used term for bathroom in the UK.
Wait, wasn’t the portal the closest with the pr0n tapes?
So wait. The mouth of a giant monster leads to Jake’s bathroom toilet. So does that mean that all the stuff that goes down that toilet go in to the monster’s mouth, or maybe it goes into his stomach. hmmmmm I better not think about this anymore. O_o
ew The snake toungue’s are touching the toilet -.-
Presumably her EVERYTHING has touched the pipe Jakes poop slides down when he flushes. The tongues of the hair-snakes seems kind of minor by comparison.
Medusa is really cute.
But her snakes are SO adorable? They ought to be illegal!
“David Nuttall
July 12, 2012 at 11:18 am | # | Reply
Closet, Water closet … Is there really that much of a difference?”
Only if you use the wrong one!