– Hi everyone. I’d like to mention that you can support my work on Patreon or Ko-fi (or by ordering stuff from my store). I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that I don’t make much. Since the pandemic money has been especially tight, and I’ve had to spend more and more time on freelance work and commissions to pay the bills. Which means less time making comics and art for you all to enjoy. Recently things have improved a little due to several very generous readers, but I could still use your support. If you can spare a small monthly contribution through Patreon or a tip through Ko-fi I’d really appreciate. Your support directly help finance both my comics work and pay my living expenses!
I mean she’s not entirely wrong… around the world.
Yeah, I would have liked to see Beavis and Butt-head’s reaction to the “Around The World” video.
Well, I’m sold.
Peak Modest has been achieved. She cannot be any more her than she is now.
I must confess, it never hit me, for whole 10+ years until now i did not thought about this particular song (track?) In this context.
Glad Modest has great taste in music!
Ms. Booth right now:
“Handing that shirt to Modest may have been a mistake”
What is your avatar image? It looks so familiar, but I can’t place it.
Oddly enough, after recieving that shirt, Modest’s teachers commented that she began working noticeably harder, better, faster, and stronger
*high five