– Its called a B.r.a.t.
– The Mermaid Hunter Kickstarter Kickstarter is entering its last week. The project has been a solid success and Nick and I both really appreciate your support and interest. We think this is going to be a very nice set for both Yeld fans and new role players.
We still have a few stretch goals we’d like to meet, including some new free Boss Monsters (check out two of the Monsters we’ve already unlocked below) and a set of free Monster Tokens. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the project yet you can find it here. Again, we’d really appreciate your support. This starter set will help us introduce the Yeld role playing game to a whole bunch of new fans.
You would think that pie-rats are used to being boarding parties…
They probably are. That’s why Marah chose that term to explain to them.
Is her diagnoses of the situation just guess work, or is she subliminally receiving systems data via her armour connection?
She’s guessing based on movies and tv shows she’s seen.
That thicc giant mermaid sure is…something…