– This week kind of got away from me. It was already Weds night before I realized I hadn’t started my page for that day! I’ll be taking this coming week off to work on Ghost Kiss, prepare for ECCC and do some MM related writing. I also just need a bit of a break. Lots of crap happening right now. I’ll be posting some “Ask Medusa” instead. I’ll be back the week after that with the epic Gina vs Ekans fight and the end of Season 5.
– I’ll be at Emerald city Comic Con next weekend. Find me with Barry Deutsch at booth 1114 on the Skybridge.
– New Ghost Kiss is coming soon. I’m inking the pages now and will be coloring and lettering them over the next two weeks.
– Sakuracon was pretty great. I met a lot of great new readers, got to see lots of Seattle fans and had a great time! A very nice woman in a Magicarp hat gave me this amazing tiny little Medusa. I asked her name, but then forgot because i’m bad with names. Anyway, it’s awesome.
And a memorial statue of Gina was put on the playground after she got bit by a…
Oh,… that’s not a statue.
More little girl drama. Sadly, this happens way so easily at that age into adulthood. Kids (and some adults) need to be explained to that it is okay (healthy even) for friends to have more than one friend. Hoping Modest keeps her snakes in check. It would be terrible if one bit someone.
I think Modest and her Hair are going to ‘talk’ to Gina.
I think Modest (and her Hair) are going to have A Talk with Gina.
Gina’s a jerk and needs to be sent to the principal’s office! I bet the teacher is gonna make her clap the erasers!
Is it bad that I want to see Gina lit on fire? Because I want to see Gina lit on fire. I don’t like that I want to see a little girl aflame.
welp, looks like the playgrounds gonna be getting a brand new statue in about 30 seconds
AAAH I’m so glad you like the mini-modest! I was super nervous about giving it to you! I’ve been following your comic for quite a while, so i hope you keep sharing your story with us! 🙂
Well, thanks so much! I loved it!
Wow! Did things just get real on the blacktop? And we have to wait a week to find out what happens?!
Do you want hair bites? Because that’s how you get hair bites.
That’s rather uncool.
wait, she’s acting like a jerk because ekans is giving more attention to medusa, but ekans is doing that because she’s acting like a jerk? (0_0)
Chicken or the egg, Brother. Chicken or the egg.
Gina could hang out with Modest to.
Reminds me of a Frito Bandito pencil eraser I used to have…might still, but haven’t seen it in, like, forty years…well, thirty years…
I think Modest and hair are looking puzzled is all. I don’t think she (they) have seen this behavior before.
oh yeah, everyone keeps Modest inside during recess, and Gina’s the one being an issue.
This is clearly by-the-book anti-snake dogma
I can’t condone this but FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
“Dear Prince Dragul, this is GINA. She’s a little girl like me, but she’s also a total meanypants like you! Maybe she’s what you want? Signed, your daughter MODEST”
Gina: Weah am I? Wyh are my teef all bugh and sharh? Wyh ah I grow’n horns? Anh claws? Muhdest’s gunna he in suh much tru-hle!
As soon as I saw the last panel I thought of that scene in Anger Management where the huge brawl at the icecream shop.
I’d like to quote VS Mermaids Part 4, panel 4: “Oh-my-god! What a psycho!”
Kids fighting? Now THIS I can sell!
I feel like Modest is about too loose control and seriously hurt someone again. Anger makes the serpents stronger?
Why so many comments predicting snakebite? Neither Modest nor the snakes are looking upset / baring fangs.
Ohhhh nos. Rei remembers this parts. >x.x;<