– Today is the last day to order the May Modest Medusa shirt at the regular price (Tom will be slightly overprinting the batch, so we’ll have a few extra for sale for $25 next month). The shirt is available in blue and white, in w0omen and men’s styles sizes Sml to 5xl. Just $20! Order here. We’ll have a new design available for sale next week!
– Modest Medusa reader Kendra is getting married in early July! Congrats! She’s trying to put together enough money to cover the expenses of her wedding. Yes, you could be buying Overwatch or extra tacos, but you could also be helping someone nice have a nice wedding day, and thats cool too! Check out her Gofundme page here.
Carlos and Carlos. Raccoon and Raccoon. Ha!
Raccoon has proven that she’s good at stabbing things and Raccoon has proven that he’s good at getting stabbed. That’s why they’re taking care of the crew.
That is the best comment I have read in weeks.
I guess they wanted their ship with no crust.
Lol, maybe he should just give his crew numbers?
You are Number SIX…
They’d all argue over who gets to be which number, swapping numbers with each other, and then all deciding they get to be number 1.
Honestly, the double names method, while inelegant, is probably the most functional. Pair everyone with a matching name together, and the Captain only needs to refer to them as a unit.
How is the pirate captain going to distract this Captain Crust in a tavern?
Pirate Captain: *buys bottle of rum* *sits down by Captain Crust* Evening to ye, Crust. Care for a drink?
Captain Crust: If ye be offering, ye scurvy terror of the seas!
Both: Yar-harharharhar!
Five minutes later:
Pirate Captain: Arrr, I’ve sudden urgent business with the head. Mind the bottle for me! *pretends to stagger away towards the toilet*
Captain Crust: Sure I’ll mind it! *swig*
And that was the next 9 strips.
At least the ship does not belong to Captain Crunch.