All kinds of news!

– As of last Saturday the Coloring Book Kickstarter rewards are in the mail! Some of you might see your books as early as today, and I expect most of you will have them in hand before the end of the year. If you live outside the United States it will take a bit longer.

– If you missed the Kickstarter you can still get the Modest Medusa Coloring Book from my store for just $4!

– I’ll be at the NewCon Artist Alley in Portland December 29th and 30th. Please come by and say hi. I’ll also be hosting a webcomics panel at the show on the afternoon of the 3oth.

– Our friend’s Ben and Elaine are doing a  Kickstarter for their new Dubious Company book. Please check it out!

– I’m not 100% sure I’ll be posting a new page on the 26th, but I’ll be back on the 28th for sure. Either way, have a good week!