Posted In: comic
– Its been awhile since I did a big modest medusa illustration like this. Here’s Modest and Godzilla, just hanging out.
Did you miss the Mermaid Hunters Kickstarter? (I know you probably didn’t, but…) Good news, the Mermaid Hunters pre-order store is now open! From now until May 16th you can pre-order the Mermaid Hunters box starter set and all our other Yeld stuff from the recent Kickstarter! We’ll ship your order in July along with our Kickstarter orders!
Hail to the King!
Aquaman is also an accepted subject for this scene. 😀
It followed me home; can I keep it?
I ship it
So…is Modest a Category-one-half Kaiju, then?
I guess so. Her Aunt and Mom would be small Kaiju.
That’s awesome O_O !
For the record, it’s a friendship-shipping
Bestest ride evar! (and never gets a parking ticket)
Let’s never forget the amazing animation in the original Godzilla Vs. King Kong.
So this is tied to the origin of Modest Medusa!
The first time I saw this movie was at my Aunt’s place. She lived waaaaaaaay out in the desert in Utah. I tiny little town of like 30 people. We drove out to visit here (all the way from Portland), and the only place for us to stay was the abandoned motel at the edge of town. Literally abandoned. No electricity, no water. Some of the walls had fallen down and left rooms open to the elements. But some of the people in town kept rooms clean and maintained for visitors. So my brothers and I slept in one room in sleeping bags, and my mom and sister and step dad slept in the other.
Anyway, in the middle of the night I woke up to use the toilet (forgetting that it didn’t work and we were supposed to pee outside) and went into the bathroom to find an ENORMOUS rattlesnake sleeping in the toilet. It hissed at me and started to climb out, so I slammed the door, woke up my brothers and we all ran down the street to my aunt’s trailer, where we slept on her front porch (because she wouldn’t answer the door).
Modest Varga
Go Falkor, go!
… Wait a second.