Actually explains one mythological puzzle: Why do mermaids hang around on rocks so much? Because they’ve just popped up for a smoke. But if you ate one, would that make it second-hand-smoked fish?
hmmmmmmmm. This makes me have to ask Jake. What age is MM anyway. She acts similar to a 4-8 year old, and I guess she is around Marah’s age, but wait how old is Marah? DX Now i’m confused.
For whatever reason, the idea that mermaids are kind of bitches seems to prevail through all sorts of fiction, other comics, manga, etc.
…To the extent that I barely blinked at this here.
I wonder what bimbomaid tastes like. They look so DELICIOUS. *droool*
Yeah, but it’s impossible to get all of the little bones out of the fillets.
Great point.
I think some people are more worried about putting small bones *in* their fillets…
Mermaids that smoke?
Actually explains one mythological puzzle: Why do mermaids hang around on rocks so much? Because they’ve just popped up for a smoke. But if you ate one, would that make it second-hand-smoked fish?
sir that was just not even punny
Perhaps he’s deserving of some pun-ishment? ^_~♡
hmmmmmmmm. This makes me have to ask Jake. What age is MM anyway. She acts similar to a 4-8 year old, and I guess she is around Marah’s age, but wait how old is Marah? DX Now i’m confused.
Marah is 12. I think of Medusa as about 5, but we don’t really know how old she is.
bimbomaid tastes best if salted over a low flame
:33< I purrsonally prefurr them smoked on a bed of steamed rice with tomato.
I like them fire roasted over a open flame.
(with maybe a can of faygo on the side.)
Ooh, yah, there the boobs
So bitches smoke cigs and shit talk in every realm, not just ours. Good to know.
For whatever reason, the idea that mermaids are kind of bitches seems to prevail through all sorts of fiction, other comics, manga, etc.
…To the extent that I barely blinked at this here.
Smoking is a lot more disgusting than eating bugs.