– No strip today. Instead imagine an AU where Modest Medusa becomes Thor, but then just follows the Odinson around asking him question and eating Chocodiles.
– Hi everyone. I’ve started working on the sketches for the new $10 Original Sketch pledge level I’m now offering on my Patreon. Here’s a few examples.
Patrons who pledge $10 or more will receive an original marker illustration of a Modest Medusa or Ghost Kiss character of their choice a few times a year. This is physical art mailed to your home! I’m sending the first wave of sketches out later this month. If you’re interested in getting a sketch of your own just go to my Patreon and pledge to $10 or more!
Love it!
So, you may have seen and liked the Thor:Ragnarok trailer too, huh? My coworkers could understand how a male could make such a high pierced squealing noise…for such a long time. I’d be embarrassed, but then I think about the trailer—and the cycle starts all over again.
I’ve watched it like 7 or 8 times now. I also made a noise.
Modest must have a true heart to lift the hammer of Thor