Okay, so the joke here is that since the beginning a lot of readers have struggled with Marah’s name (this is separate from the readers who think Marah and Charles are the same character). You only have to go through the comments to see it. People will constantly refer to her as Maria or Maia or Mary. Once at a convention someone asked me to draw a sketch of “Marsh”. Not Martha. Marsh.
My brother Nick and I are happy to announce the 2nd Edition of the Yeld TTRPG! For the last two years we’ve been working on a better and more refined version of our game, and will be presenting it as a new full color hardcover book. This new edition features new art and lore exploring the history, people and places of Yeld, as well as revised rules, new Jobs and so much more! We’ll be launching a Kickstarter for this project early next year, and plan to ship the book in the Summer. The Magical Land of Yeld: 2nd Edition Kickstarter Pre-Launch page is up now, so you can sign up to be notified when the project is live!
This project is a huge deal to me, so I hope you’ll check it out!
“Ok now you’re just doing it on purpose”
“Coulda been.”
First Panel: Also way too young for bear.
Last Panel: OK, pal, now you’re doing it on purpose.
The minimum age for drinking, especially low-alcohol beer or watered wine, varies tremendously from one culture to another. So around here it might be regarded as perfectly normal to offer someone Marah’s age a beer.
(I promised myself I wouldn’t make any jokes about the appropriate age for bear.)
Yeah, there may not be an official minimum age in Yeld at all.
I don’t get it. Is he pre-drunk? I mean her name isn’t terribly difficult.
You know, most comics authors, when people are getting character names wrong or mixing two characters together, makes a cast page. Just saying.
Its something I’m planning for the new website, next year.
Poor Marah.
Wait, so is he Cody or Coby? I’m confused.
Its Coby. I made a mistake in the last strip. I need to go back and fix it.
These things happen.
“It’s Coby”
That reminds me: How is her name pronounced? Is it Mare-uh or Mar-uh?
The later
She’s too weak for beer, give her whiskey.
I hear you Marah. You wouldn’t believe how many ways people spell my name when they have never seen it, only heard it.
At least one person got my name wrong while looking straight at it.
My first name is very common, but uses an uncommon spelling so I can understand why no one gets it right. My middle name is less common but does use the standard spelling, so it’s even more annoying when people (frequently) get it wrong. People often misspell my last name too, even though I’ve never known anyone who spelled it the way they want to. Only a dozen letters between all three, but it’s amazing how people can mangle them.
People constantly call me (and comic me) Jack. In real life I can understand it. You can mishear my name. You can’t mishear anything in a comic. The only way you know a character’s name is because you’ve seen it spelled.
I have a similar situation with my voice. Apparently, over the phone I sound so feminine that dozens of people assume I’m a girl even after hearing my name. I even had one woman say “oh, I’ve never met a girl with that name before”. I was so stunned by that I didn’t bother correcting her.
“Mara(h)” as in “for the honor of Grayskull” and “we’re friends of Mara”.
Huh. My brain read her name as Mira / Me-rah usually, probably since I know a Mara without an H.
Its interesting that we can see words over and over, but our interpret them as something else.