– Thanks for all the birthday well wishing last week. I appreciate it!
– I accidentally put a hole in my tongue last week (there’s a story there, but I’ll save it since it’ll maybe make it into the comic at some point). It hurt like hell for several days, and my doctor basically told me to not eat anything until it healed (which it has). So since last Wednsday I’ve basically been angry, hungry and in pain. Which is why I didn’t get around to posting this page on Friday. So sorry about that.
– We have a real mail theft problem in my neighborhood, so I get all my mail delivered to teh studio instead. That has it’s own problems, since or mail carrier does’t seem to understand how doors work, and unless he can see me or one of the other studio people through the window he won’t even bother to open the door and leave our mail. I guess he just figures that if he can’t see us we must not want our mail?
– Anyone read Invincible? I accidentally bought an extra copy of teh Ultimate Collection Vol 8 and I don’t need it. $25+ shipping and it’s yours.
– I did another episode of Melony Chitwood’s The Trade podcast. It’s me, Melony, Dave Barrack (of Grrl Power) and Robert Tritthardt (of Writhe and Shine and Overcast with a Chance of Doom) talking about comedy writing. You can check it out here.
– Over the weekend some generous patrons pushed my Patreon up to $498. Holy crap! Thanks guys! We’re now just $2 shy of the next Milestone Goal, a monthly live drawing session. You can find out more about my Patreon here.
Regulations. Unless you’ve got a box out, or, as you say, you’re in sight and known to him or her, the carrier isn’t supposed to deliver it.
Try renting a P. O. Box if you don’t mind traveling to your mail.
We have a mailbox inside the door that is clearly visible and clearly marked, plus a big sign on the door that says “Mailman, please knock if door is locked”. And there’s ALWAYS someone there.
They are supposed to leave cards telling you “We can’t deliver this parcel; you can contact us about delivery.” (Not the precise wording.) But they’re only supposed to knock for things to be signed for.
(I only know about this stuff ’cause I’m a postal clerk—that’s the inside job of sorting the mail—carriers are a different craft and union.)
By the way, best of luck recovering from your tongue problem—also, with some amusement, it seems people fixated on your postal problems instead.
time to0 invest in mail slot in your door if it can be done jake, my mailmen cant read for there life they always delivering to the wrong mail box, they cant even read this mailbox is for this person in at apt#, so i know your pain
We have a mail slot at both the house and the studio, but neither postal carrier will use them. Well, the one at the studio gets used every now and then, but it’s not big enough for packages of course, so we end up having a lot of mail delayed.
Portland continues to sound like a weird place for the dazed and confused.
I was GONNA ask why the carrier opened Jake’s mail, but now it all makes sense.
It’s a real life story.
Nah. After you sort through your first million pieces, you know what’s in the mail without needing to open it.
yeah, he was just looking at it. Well, he opened the card I guess.
That $20 was in the trash so is clearly up for grabs.
(laughed out loud)
Clearly. xD
So, little Modest finally learned about money and paying for things!
And promptly started stealing money thereafter.
Well I know follow your comic since 3 weeks, and after having overcome the frustration of having to wait for the next comic (because of course I read the 480 in three days) I decided to write a little something! First of all, thank you for brightening my day, because I laughed liked hell (or is that a badword?) while reading it (so much that the people around me thought I was crazy… And then thank you for writing Modest Medusa, because it is an awesome comic! I read a whole bunch of webcomic but yours is most certainly in my top three! And last I just have a question: Living in Europe, I’m not really sure about that, but are “chocodile” a thing in the US or is it just to let us know that Medusa loves chocolate?
Anyway, thank you for the awesomness and keep doing the voodoo that you doo doo because it’s working!
Well thank you!
Chocodiles were a chocolate covered snack cake produced by the company Hostess. that’s teh same company that used to make Twinkies (and they were pretty much just chocolate coated Twinkies). Hostess went out of business two years ago and, even though parts of the company were since bought and relaunched, the Chocodiles product seems to be gone forever. Chocodiles were always rare. They were only every produced and distributed in a few spots in the US, so most people have never heard of them. The day I started Modest Medusa I visited the game store across the street and the owner had bought a box of Chocodiles somewhere. That was the first time I had seen any in probably 10 years.
It looks like Chocodiles got you a Wikipedia reference – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocodile
It’s progress. Clearly Modest has grasped the concept of paying for stuff.
Is this the first time Medusa PAYS for something? *_*
You and Dave Barrack on the same podcast? I haven’t listened to The Trade in a while, but I may check that out.
I have been reading this for the past 2 months, from the first comic to this one, and I’ve gotta say….
That is all. XD
What’s this? A government employee illegally opening people’s mail. Only the Fed can do that buddy.
wow. She finally understands the concept of money. that’s good…
She understands that she wants it and can buy stuff with it. I don’t think she understands that she also can’t just take stuff anyway.
How old is Modest?
I’m starting to realize that they are going to have to implement some kind of standard disciplinary action for when Modest pulls this stuff (probably a timeout or a grounding from pokemon), at least until she learns to respect individual personal property.
if my child was like this and refused to change like medusa does, I would threaten to leave her at an orphanage. such a selfish brat.