– Today’s Late Again? is an original work by Mushi-san. Check out more of their art here!
I injured my back last week, and recovery has been slow. It sees to be a pinched nerve caused by sleeping in a weird position (which happens to me sometimes), but the weird thing is that while I’m mostly able to walk around, sit, stand and do a normal range of things without any real discomfort, laying down in any position is agonizing, and after about 20 minutes in bed by entire back locks up in blinding pain and I need to use hot showers, stretches and heating pads to slowly ease the pain over the course of about 2 hours. As you can guess, trading 20 minutes of painful sleeping for 2 hours of recovery hasn’t been very productive. I’ve caught a few naps while sitting in a comfortable chair, but mostly I just haven’t slept for more than an hour or two at a time this week. So I’m very tired.
Anyway, look for today’s page later today or tomorrow, as I’m able to produce it.
For a genuine second there, I thought she was holding up cups of tea for her snakes, due to the comic being late. But scrolling down a smidge, I realize it was her hands.
sorry, I’m too lazy to draw fingers ^^
I don’t even know the regular schedule of the comic, I just check a couple times a week and sometimes there’s a new comic. 🙂
Mondays and Fridays
Ouch! Kind of a coincidence. I woke up last Monday with something like that. If it’s a piriformis muscle, there are stretches for that. But that’s more of a sciatica thing and what you describe sounds like something else maybe?
I’m really not sure what it is exactly. It happens to me sometimes, but usually only lasts a day or two. This has been several days now.
I know someone you could consult. If you’d like, I can post the URL here…if you allow that here.
You might be able to do a remote consultation, because of the Coronapocalypse.
Fortunately, Sharon has several articles, including one on the hip, which talked about the piriformis muscle, which is the one giving me fits. Yours is probably something else.
Thank you. I’ll check this out tonight.
Take care of yourself, please.
And thank your in put my version of your Medusa, Jake 😀
Dude, this is a super-neat “Late Again?” image! I really dig this style!
Sorry I didn’t see this notification sooner. Hope your back gets/got better, Mistah J! If not? Keep doing what you’re doing with the heat and it’ll work itself out! Just gotta stay positive~!
(And, don’t say something like “I’m positive my back hurts like crazy,” ’cause that’s not what I meant~)
I am positive that IS what you mean.
“Zoiks! The monster’s gonna catch us! We’re all gonna die!”
“Come on, Shaggy, be positive!”
“Alright, I’m POSITIVE the moster’s gonna catch us and we’re all gonna die!”
On a somewhat more serious note, back pain is the worst. Except maybe for having blisters on the balls of one’s feet. And the Universal First Aid is very difficult to apply.
Thankfully I’ve had real improvements last night and today.
Huzzah! One of the most annoying things about back pain in particular, is that when you do things like stretches, it’s not always apparent if they’re doing any good. Which sucks because you’re in pain NOW! Hmm…maybe Modest picks up a thing or two and learns to use her tail as a therapeutic massage tool? Okay, maybe I’m reaching there.