– Can you believe those D.va nerfs? And yet Soldier 76 is dominating every game I play. Ugh. I swear I’m not spending all my time playing Overwatch. for example, yesterday I was able to get 3 new Yeld illustrations done, and today I’m laying out a new Ghost kiss episode! Anyway, big thanks to Redmarlin for coloring today’s strip! Great job!
– If you like Modest Medusa or my other comics please consider supporting my work through Patreon. Just a dollar or so each month really makes a difference and helps make sure I can spend my time making comics for you to read. I appreciate your support so much!
Yes, sword that shoots lasers and pizza would be pretty awesome.
I wonder how a medusa would react to an escalator, especially after seeing Modest using a slide.
Ya know what? This comment is way funnier than what I was going to write.
Thank you, gnrrrg.
Escalators are dangerous, yo 🙁
Yes and yes. Don’t fire the sword at any tigers as it only makes them even bigger and gives them armour.
A sword that shoots lasers and pizza? Crap I should have asked for that for my birthday!
Should be hilareous, unless one of the girl leads her through it
So does she mean “swords that shoot lasers, and pizza in addition to said swords” or “swords that shoot lasers, and also shoot pizza”? Because while a pizza-shooting sword sounds cool, in reality I believe things would just get messy.
But thats probably the point.
I bought Overwatch because it looked like fun. I’ve played it a grand total of once. Not because it was bad, or because I was bad at it and I rage quit (tho I am terrible), I have trouble getting into it purely because it is very boring alone. I’ve seen others play it and always with friends and it looks like a ton of fun. I love coordination with friends and team competitive games like that. But it’s just boring alone. Seeing the game reminded me of playing Halo:Reach with my friend and his Xbox buddies. I wasn’t good per se (tho he did teach me how to use the DMR pretty effectively) but I had fun.
I guess I just need to find people to play it with because alone it is dull. I’m not that vested in being high ranked or getting all the loot crates or whatever, I just wanted to have fun with it. I found I wasn’t terrible with Reinhardt and Zenyatta, but that was back when the game first game out, so I don’t know how they’ve changed since then. Maybe I’ll pester my Halo:Reach friend to play with me, but he’s busy with his blossoming youtube channel and I don’t necessarily want to detract from that. :/
It is much more fun with friends.
All games are more fun with friends. But if a game can’t stand on it’s own feet from a single-player experience, then adding friends doesn’t really change the game itself, it just becomes something you’re doing while hanging out with friends.
Having said that, I think Overwatch -can- stand on it’s own as single-player, but only if your personal preferences line up just right with it.
I’ve been enjoying it on my own, but I do have more fun when I play with friends. I think you’re right. It just depends on what you like.
Mine really don’t. You give me an RPG or a platformer and I’m down to play on my own (I actually just got all the Shantae games at once for Christmas). But more competitive games, like most competitive shooters like Halo and Overwatch, pretty boring alone, for me. Even games like Smash Bros or Timesplitters: Future Perfect are pretty dull alone. Gotta have friends for games where friends are possible.