Posted In: comic
This one was fun. From left to right: Clop (the name I gave my character in White), Ben Hsu of Dubious Company, Faith Maxwell (my old boss), Matt Schlotte (who I designed Panty Explosion with) and his daughters Sydney and Maddox (who the Medusa is mostly based on), Josie Ark of Love in Idleness, Nick Smith of The Tulip Academy’s Society for Dangerous Gentlemen and (of course) Marah, the Medusa and myself.
woooow, I never give my extras nearly as much thought as you did XD props!
Ha the female character in the first panal
Dude! There’s 4 (four) females in the first panel!
3? The one with black hair is a guy?
If you saaaay soooo…
The black haired person is Ben Hsu, the writer of Licensed Heroes and Dubious Company. He says he’s a guy.
these people all look……..awsome! i wanna know people like this T_T
Her name is clop? Is that a reference like I think it is?
It’s a reference to Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
The awesome dude in panel 2 looks a lot like me, in a very creepy and uncanny way.
Ben Hsu (Aka TagalongDT)! I <3 Dubious Company!
The headphones make you look extremely awesome with that suit
whoa short line……………………………………….this should be easy. just hope nobody notices that we are in the company of a medusa playing a DS.