As promised, a double strip.
Edit: A BUNCH of you noticed the typo in the first panel and left comments (both here and on twitter, tumblr, facebook, deviant art, Drunk Duck…). I appreciate it> Really. I obviously missed it myself, so letting me know gives me a chance to fix it. But please believe me when I say that if you spot a typo and feel like you want to tell me, you’re probably the 20th or 30th person. Having 50 people tell me about an embarrassing mistake is demoralizing.
Anyway, I’ve fixed the typo. But…
Listen, typos are embarrassing. I hate them. I know a lot of you don’t think I proofread my comics. I do. I really do. But I don’t catch everything. I used to be better about it, but over the last few years its become harder and harder for me to spot errors. This isn’t just limited to typos, but also stuff like Jaspar’s missing hand , Marah’s armor and more. I can’t tell you why its harder for me to catch these things than it used to be, or why I don’t see these things during a review, but it has become obvious that its a problem and I’m starting to suspect I may suffer from something like dyslexia or some other similar thing. Or maybe its just a symptom of stress? I don’t know.
A lot of you have suggested solutions. I do appreciate that. Really. A lot of those solutions aren’t practical, But I do appreciate the thought.
What I’ve decided to do is post each strip as I finish them on the Modest Medusa Discord. Several readers there have offered to review strips and spot typos. Hopefully I’ll be able to get feedback quickly and then post the new strip here for everyone to see. That will be my plan moving forward.
In the first panel, I think you meant for present/primary/kid Marah to say “I’m not gonna hurt you.”, not “I’m gonna hurt you.” Might want to fix that. Otherwise, good job, and look forward to seeing what finally makes our Marah decide to stay and save Jake and Modest.
I assume panel 1 is supposed to say “I’m not gonna hurt you”?
There’s a typo in the first panel. It should read “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Super powers, awesome magical armor that responds to threats, new body and extra limbs. Plus I already have a general distaste for my world as it is.
Yeah sorry future human self. Off brand X Man it is for me!
Typo in first panel: “I’m gonna hurt you!” is clearly meant to be “I’m not gonna hurt you!”
That and she can’t remember her own family. I feel like that’s one of the more compelling arguments to add.
I’m kind of with horn Marah on this one, I mean she looks cool and if she has full control over her tail that means she just has an extra hand.
Hey Jake, Pretty sure you dropped “not” in the first panel.
“I am gonna hurt you!”
What exactly is wrong with having green fur and a tail if I may ask?
*sips coffee* This is gonna be very interesting
NOT gonna hurt you.
The first panel should be “I’m not gonna hurt you!”.
First panel: “I’m [not] gonna hurt you”?
“I’m gonna hurt you!”
That’ll help her relax. XD
Mistake in the first panel, Marah is threatening Marah.
“I’m gonna hurt you!” should be ‘I’m not gonna hurt you!”
At least I -assume- it’s a mistake and Marah is not planning on attacking Marah. That would probably get confusing anyway.
Oh, sure. Off brand SHIELD lady throws shade at off brand X-Man lady. She’s just jealous of those glorious horns! And high and mighty having two arms. Definitely getting the “chewed her arm off to escape the armor” kind of vibe from our hunter friend given the poses she’s used up to this point and reactions to having it seen or touched.
Besides with options like looking forward to a barely future without jet packs and working for some less cool version of NASA that doesn’t do sweet space stuff all the time or getting some legit powers and being a pirate or something awesome in a fantasy setting, the choice is clear! Which Mara’s got two thumbs and won the argument? Oh. Oops.
I’m presuming it should be “I’m NOT gonna hurt you” in the first panel…
‘You know you’ll just get killed off in some meaningless line-wide story event, probably to show how badass the new villain is!’
Pannel 1 “I’m going to hurt you”
First panel, maybe Marah (left Marah) should be saying “I’m *not* going to hurt you!” ? Otherwise great character development. Universe of alternate Marah’s.
Tail? I don’t see a tail.
What’s so bad about having a tail? Imagine how much better you could balance yourself.. or you could use it for all kinds of things, like opening a door while carrying a big box of stuff.
That argument would not convince me, but Marah probably knows best what arguments appeal to Marah. 😀
tails are nice, though!
i want a tail 🙁
Same. Been wanting extra limbs and kickass parts like horns and projectile breath weapons since forever!
First panel, did Marah mean to say, “I’m gonna hurt you”?
Damn, guess everybody messaged you XD
I refrained from commenting on that as I assumed someone was bound to – didn’t expect there to be so many, though! xD
Dang Marah, no need to threaten yourself 😉
(Missing word in panel 1, I assume it’s supposed to say “I’m not going to hurt you.”)
Haha, to be fair, when I commented it wasn’t showing anyone else’s comments yet or I would have said nothing 😁
No, no. None of you saw any other comments, since I approved most of them at the same time. So this wasn’t a case or people seeing comments and then thinking “I’ll say something too just because I want to prove I’m smart.” Not at all. I know you were all just trying to help out.
I dunno, her appearance isn’t really turning me off.
Now, her emotional state, that might be problematic…
Yep. 14 people just commented on that.
Comments go through a moderator before anyone sees them, so this kind of thing happens. *shrug*
Hmm this reminds me of a few questions I forgot to ask way back when.
Is there a certain time limit you have to spend in Yeld before changes begin to occur? And does it reset everytime you leave? According to future human Marah the changes stopped immediately when she leaves. If they were to immediately begin everytime she returns, her horns would be a lot bigger while waiting on young marah right? So that must mean there is a certain alotment of time she can stay in yeld before the changes restart right?
Ah. So currently the Marah’ are not in Yeld. They’re in the Arsenal of Winter. Which appears to be a separate place. And may be protected from Yeld’s influence.
But also, probably the changes over a few hours aren’t significant. So if they do restart if older Marah returns to yeld, she’d probably have to stay for a few days to see any real continued change.
There’s not an exact time frame for changes to start occurring. Usually younger children aren’t affected at all, and adults have to spend awhile in Yeld before changes begin. Anywhere from a few days to months. It may depend on where in Yeld you are and what kind of stuff you are doing. Marah started to grow horns and teeth over bout 3 weeks, but Jake appeared to be unchanged.
Thanks. I love all the hard work you’ve put into this comics lore and plots. It’s hard to find good fantasy writing that isn’t just trying to be reskinned Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. Started this comic on a whim years ago and still looking forward to each update!
Ah, Jake. We’re just showing that we care, at least about the dialog. Why spend hours upon hours drawing all the backgrounds, panels, and characters, only to have a typo leave the entire meaning of the comic in doubt? We’re your free spellchecking service. We want what’s best for the comic, too!
Your fans at least appreciate it.
I know. Thank you.
I feel left out… But it already changed. Is 42 already taken? What about 1337? Maybe I can have the gamestonks 420.69, or just be irrational 3.1416926535897932384 6264338327950288419716 93993 7510582097 but we all know tau is better 6.28318530…
I like the counting. 24 is not that bad of a number. Not a meme number but also just a bit transposed from the best meme number. The product of and digits sum to a perfect number (2*3=6, 4+2=6. 6 is male and female and thus perfect. Pythagoras was weird.) and a square (4).
Do you have a favourite number? Or a least liked one or type?
I don’t think I do. I like the symmetry of 4, but I’m not sure that makes it a favorite.
What’s wrong with having a tail?
I’m beginning to think, neither are the right choice. At first I thought this was an “angel/devil” situation, and maybe a reverse one where the horned one is the angel.
But now, (still using information I saw in the comments some pages back) i think they’re both devils. Either she turns into an amnesiac demon with one working arm, OR she turns into a woman who works for a shady likely evil corporation. :/
One choice as bad as the other, two sides of a twisted coin. But then I guess, if you flip that coin enough, it could land on its edge, so there’s a third option. Somewhere.
PS. Props to anyone who got my coin reference! \o3o/
pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419 not 3.1416926535897932384 6264338327950288419716 93993 7510582097 also pau ( is better then tau