As promised, a double strip.

Edit: A BUNCH of you noticed the typo in the first panel and left comments (both here and on twitter, tumblr, facebook, deviant art, Drunk Duck…). I appreciate it> Really. I obviously missed it myself, so letting me know gives me a chance to fix it. But please believe me when I say that if you spot a typo and feel like you want to tell me, you’re probably the 20th or 30th person. Having 50 people tell me about an embarrassing mistake is demoralizing.

Anyway, I’ve fixed the typo. But…

Listen, typos are embarrassing. I hate them. I know a lot of you don’t think I proofread my comics. I do. I really do. But I don’t catch everything. I used to be better about it, but over the last few years its become harder and harder for me to spot errors. This isn’t just limited to typos, but also stuff like Jaspar’s missing hand , Marah’s armor and more. I can’t tell you why its harder for me to catch these things than it used to be, or why I don’t see these things during a review, but it has become obvious that its a problem and I’m starting to suspect I may suffer from something like dyslexia or some other similar thing. Or maybe its just a symptom of stress? I don’t know.

A lot of you have suggested solutions. I do appreciate that. Really. A lot of those solutions aren’t practical, But I do appreciate the thought.

What I’ve decided to do is post each strip as I finish them on the Modest Medusa Discord. Several readers there have offered to review strips and spot typos. Hopefully I’ll be able to get feedback quickly and then post the new strip here for everyone to see. That will be my plan moving forward.