Posted In: comic
– Strip 350. Really. I had thought this season would end at 300, so being a whole 50 pages past that is really weird feeling.
– Check out the fantastic Medusa themed music video by Phil Johnson and Roadside Attraction. It’s pretty great!
– Here’s the panels I’ll be on at Orycon this weekend, if any of you happen to go. Sunday is where I’m going to have stuff to say, but the Saturday panels should be fun!
Anime Beyond the Mainstream Sat Nov 9 12:00pm-1:00pm Between Comics: Where Did the Teen Comics Go? Sat Nov 9 1:00pm-2:00pm Manga vs. Comics Sat Nov 9 8:00pm-9:00p
Crowd Funding and the Working Artist Sun Nov 10 1:00pm-2:00pm Web Comics You Should Be Readin Sun Nov 10 3:00pm-4:00pm
first? that was… unexpected, to say the least. wonder if they’ll take the deal.
What. Deal?
He said “Either of them.” That’s two.
He expects Modest to stay.
Huh, I wonder why that accusation struck such a big chord in his evilness? Is he not as bad a guy as we have been led to believe or is he just not a total sociopath like Modest’s mother is and therefore actually gives at least half a damn about his kid.
Well she is his ‘heir’, which I believe if the part which matters to him. Really it seems Modest is the only one either of them gives two bits about.
I await Marah’s armor popping out, and the spear coming forth and a surprise assault… and it will likely not end well.
Wow..he has a conscious?! Was not expecting that! What a twist!
Really, Prince? You’re trying to intimidate Batman? It never ends well when people try to intimidate Batman.
“Rome must fall”, Prince. Be very careful where you want that line drawn, for Caesar will often not outlive Rome.
Wait, is Marah Bracelet’ed armor just under her sleeve or did you forget to draw it, Jake?
Ugh, I forgot to draw it!
This reminds me of Once Upon a Time. When regina decided that trying to kill charming and snow never worked so she offered them the deal that if snow forfeited her claim to the kingdom snow charming and her little dwarves could go live in exile happile ever after.
It’s good time to use super-power-spear, whish can destroy walls. Cute big hole in the king’s head! Brains looks good on the floor, ceiling and walls. 🙂
GRATITUDE? The Prince is an ol’ softy? Perish the thought! Waidaminnud…he said give ’em a horse. WHICH horse?!??
Bad guy mistake #1: Letting the hero(es) go, when otherwise they should just kill them off immediately. Tsk tsk Loki Horns McCodpiece. You’ll regret that decision, they always do.
HA! I love that nickname! =D
…Loki Horns McCodpiece! XD
JAKE! That’s gonna be his new name!
Poor Charles is never going to get to go free…
Maybe being a father changes a guy.
Maybe the codpiece is involved somehow.
For some reason, I think it might be ironic (and oddly fitting) if the king grabbed Modest and one of her snakes bit him, turning the guy to stone…
But, I’m really glad it’s been an extra 50 pages! This story arc is fantastic. And I love that the Prince was not the “I’m evil just because” type of character that I was expecting. Sure, he’s a bad guy, but doesn’t do things without a reason. The fact that he spares them for helping protect Modest shows there’s a lot more depth of character there than just a tyrannical despot. Bravo.
Hm…is it possible that Modest will stay behind, despite the attempts of her friends trying to bring her back with them, whether its because they fail to convince the Prince or Modest stays of her own will? If so, would it be possible to expect a slight time-skip were she reunites with our heroes, several years later, when she’s older? I know alot of the fans would be against that idea, but I feel the artist could pull off an older Medusa and still keep her level of adorableness.
Why wouldn’t she just bite the prince with her hair?
I think she’s to innocent for letting hey hair turn anyone to stone, after the mermaid incident. But I’ve been wrong before
He’s sort of sounding a bit like a certain prince of Latveria we all (should be) familiar with.
I find it interesting that he is allowing them to leave the castle, but not the dimension.. maybe he thinks that they will snag up medusa n jump through the portal if he actually sends them home then n there
This is about as nice you can hope Mr Codpiece to ever be.
He may care a little bit… but he doesn’t even say her name!!! 🙁
All he says is “my heir” this and “my heir” that! That is not how you treat your daughter! -_-‘
So Evil Cod-piece wearing Batman is letting them go? What a wuss.