Cameo, a funk/soul/pop band from the late seventies, lasted through the early eighties. Around the early eighties, at their peak, the front man wore a bright red codpiece outside his black jumpers. lol Look it up: “cameo world cup”. Did a great rendition of Slave’s “Slide”.
I don’t even want compare that to one of my favorite comics of all time…
…and yet
… I laughed at that joke anyway. XD
Weeeeelllll *pushes up coke-bottle lenses with middle finger*….
I would be surprised if Prince Codpiece here DIDN’T have magical abilities, tho I don’t think its been explained how he “makes monters”, through magical or scientific means.
But assuming it is magic, if he’s a wizard, its his intellegence score he should worry about.. but if he’s a sorceror (like yours truly), its all about charisma!! But seeing as he IS wearing the codpiece of ridiculousness, odds are he’s probably more of a wizard than a sorceror, because no self-respecting sorceror would purposefully wear something that hinders their charisma.
Kind of reminds me of a particular boss battle in Shadow Hearts: Covenant featuring a small Asian man on a floating pillow. He talks about killing the heroes, while they huddle up, wondering how he floats (They think it’s the pillow, and ask for it).
Never mind the fact that you’re in the presence of the most evil thing you’ll likely ever meet. That codpiece has got the be the FUNNIEST thing you’ve seen all year!
I quite frankly don’t see the appeal, really. Everyone mention his man-cup. I didn’t even notice it til everyone in the comments started going on about it. With it being the same dark color as his Dragoon armor, I didn’t even see it. I was focusing more on his ridiculous Loki horns.
I’m was under the assumption that those horns were his eyes for the longest time! Lika a snail’s stalks or something. But the Epicness of the cod piece needed to be recognized in comic, but those horns need some comic tribute too!
I’m still reeling from how such a small bipedal humanoid got his freak on with Momdusa 😕 That or it was when she was still in Lamia mode which calms my rabid fandom screeches.
As weird and gross as it sounds, everything has a hole.
….. Everything. O.O
(But yeah probably maybe during lamian stage… we hope. The internet does love its lamias, so lets not dwell on this and assume [and pray] that it was during lamian stage.)
Maybe I missed it a little bit back or something, but do you have Gen 6 Pokemon yet Jake? If so, what starter you take (/ which one would you take if you were after the game)?
I’m thinking Firefox. I love me some fire, and I love me some Psychic. Shame a good portion of my favorite pokemon are psychic, Alakazam and Gardevoir to name a couple. I’m not sure what is gonna fill the void those pokemon usually hold, or if I’ll just have them in the team anyway, and be a psychic trainer or something. The magnemite family always makes it in (even if I can’t remember if its an “i” or an “e” after “magn”), because its the best damn electric type out there….
Fond memories of Cameo…
Cameo, a funk/soul/pop band from the late seventies, lasted through the early eighties. Around the early eighties, at their peak, the front man wore a bright red codpiece outside his black jumpers. lol Look it up: “cameo world cup”. Did a great rendition of Slave’s “Slide”.
Oh, sure. Word Up.
Lotta cod in that codpiece…
What do you say?
Not saying it ain’t cool, but this guy still has nothing on Gamzee’s God Tier codpiece.
Dude, there is only one codpiece that can surpass Gamzee’s. And it’s from Bard Quest of all things.
Cod-Piece is the sequel to One-Piece, everyone knows that. 😛
I don’t even want compare that to one of my favorite comics of all time…
…and yet
… I laughed at that joke anyway. XD
Some people have a “Hard” time watching The Labyrinth for this same reason..
Yes, that was my issue exactly with that movie! Other than that it was a great movie. 🙂
Codpiece of the Dark Lord
And now the prince learns a valuable lesson about one of the most important issue of any fantasy world: Mixmaxing.
You mean min/maxing right? ‘:/
That charisma score really depends on cultural norms.
… This one might just be objectively silly though.
Weeeeelllll *pushes up coke-bottle lenses with middle finger*….
I would be surprised if Prince Codpiece here DIDN’T have magical abilities, tho I don’t think its been explained how he “makes monters”, through magical or scientific means.
But assuming it is magic, if he’s a wizard, its his intellegence score he should worry about.. but if he’s a sorceror (like yours truly), its all about charisma!! But seeing as he IS wearing the codpiece of ridiculousness, odds are he’s probably more of a wizard than a sorceror, because no self-respecting sorceror would purposefully wear something that hinders their charisma.
*readjusts pocket protector and saunters away*
….You knew what we were almost going to be unanimously commenting about didn’t you….
Every so often, I guess something sticks out SO MUCH that even the comic characters have to point it out.
….reminds me of when my wife pointed out something she noticed a long time ago in the movie Labyrinth.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed. I’m also glad I’m not the one who mentioned it.
You are not alone on that…
One does not snicker at the Codpiece Of Doom. Well, maybe only a little.
In case you had any lingering doubt, this scene was very much needed.
hah….codpieces…still funny…
And now I’m laughing. Thanks for coming back to strips like these every now and again. =D
Ha! The prince can’t use the “my eyes are up here” line without taking his mask off.
about time the epicness that is his codpiece got its own panell!
Answer to the voice of the fans?^^ Nice!
LOL! i thought that Jake was going to say “Guys i think the portal is the pond/well that hes standing on.” not “ITS A COD PIECE!!!”
Keep up the good work!
Kind of reminds me of a particular boss battle in Shadow Hearts: Covenant featuring a small Asian man on a floating pillow. He talks about killing the heroes, while they huddle up, wondering how he floats (They think it’s the pillow, and ask for it).
well now that you draw attention to it, we all can’t help but laugh at it!
After all the comments the last page got I’m not surprised this page happened LOL!
I can’t wait to read the comments about this comic. I am looking forward to the comments wholeheartedly.
Haha this strip just cracks me up
Heh. Codpiece.Heh.
Never mind the fact that you’re in the presence of the most evil thing you’ll likely ever meet. That codpiece has got the be the FUNNIEST thing you’ve seen all year!
And it’s not even a YouTube video!
Ha, brilliant! Me thinks you want that middle speech bubble in the third panel to point to Marah, right?
Ugh, yes. I’ll have to fix that. Thanks for noticing.
Looks like you fixed it. Perfect!
Excuse us for a second, we have to laugh at your codpiece.
My Gods, that lampshade they just hung was almost as big as his codpiece
Well when you’re an evil overlord the last think you need is to be kicked in the crown jewels by some usurper. Hence the Codpiece.
Now we just need someone to ask how he sees in that thing.
This is unlikely to gain them the favor of the ruler of yeld.
Oh, god! The first panel! I know it’s just his leg, but dat ain’t right!!! XD
Was this strip always planned? Or is it in response to all the previous comments? Just wondering…
It’s been planned since earlier this year when the prince and his codpiece first appeared.
I was JUST about to say! *snurk*
I quite frankly don’t see the appeal, really. Everyone mention his man-cup. I didn’t even notice it til everyone in the comments started going on about it. With it being the same dark color as his Dragoon armor, I didn’t even see it. I was focusing more on his ridiculous Loki horns.
I’m was under the assumption that those horns were his eyes for the longest time! Lika a snail’s stalks or something. But the Epicness of the cod piece needed to be recognized in comic, but those horns need some comic tribute too!
I’m still reeling from how such a small bipedal humanoid got his freak on with Momdusa 😕 That or it was when she was still in Lamia mode which calms my rabid fandom screeches.
As weird and gross as it sounds, everything has a hole.
….. Everything. O.O
(But yeah probably maybe during lamian stage… we hope. The internet does love its lamias, so lets not dwell on this and assume [and pray] that it was during lamian stage.)
I’m going to pretend I didn’t just read that, and not hurl.
This has to be my FAVOURITE strip!!!
Maybe I missed it a little bit back or something, but do you have Gen 6 Pokemon yet Jake? If so, what starter you take (/ which one would you take if you were after the game)?
I’m thinking Firefox. I love me some fire, and I love me some Psychic. Shame a good portion of my favorite pokemon are psychic, Alakazam and Gardevoir to name a couple. I’m not sure what is gonna fill the void those pokemon usually hold, or if I’ll just have them in the team anyway, and be a psychic trainer or something. The magnemite family always makes it in (even if I can’t remember if its an “i” or an “e” after “magn”), because its the best damn electric type out there….
I have the game, but I’m trying to beat Spirit Tracks before I start it. Chespin is my starter though.
discussing the important things in life i see jake…
Somehow I expect to see “You know I can hear you right?” from the King at some point.
You can tell Marah and Jake are close because they were thinking of the same thing at the same time.