– Here’s a guest strip from Barry Deutsch. I have 7 housemates besides Charles (for real), and that’s just too many to add to the comic. I left Barry out for pretty much the exact reason mentioned here, but now it’s kind of become a running joke. Barry is the creator of the multiple award winning graphic novel series Hereville (oh, which I did the colors for!). Hereville started out as a web comic, and watching Barry work on the series was what convinced me to try my own!

– Here’s some art that I don’t think any of you have seen before. This was a marker illustration done for a kickstarter backer. The scan didn’t come out great but I actually like the drawing a lot! Click on the image to see it at full size!

DS Party

patreon ad– The Patreon campaign is going great! Our first month just ended and we’re already getting close to our $500 Milestone Goal, which is a monthly live draw event! Well, not super close. We still have $140ish to go. But still!

– My friends Ben an Elaine have just started their Kickstarter for their new book. If you haven’t read Licensed Heroes yet you should totally check it out, and check out the kickstarter!