My new stylus hasn’t arrived yet, so you get another hand inked strip. But I haven’t gotten new markers for awhile, and they’re all running out of ink! Hopefully the new stylus will arrive soon!
I watched the original series (Bleach) a long time ago. My (vague) recollection was that Hollows ate a soul’s heart — like taking away a soul’s core energy, leaving them despondent and in despair. (it was visually depicted as a person’s spirit having a black hole in their chest).
I also recall it was distinctly different from a soul condemned to hell for having lived an evil life.
Okay, sure. But in Yeld theres a big difference between the spirits of people and the creatures that live in the Ghost World. Although both are referred to as ghosts. In this case, the Oty-Her get their power from devouring the second type of ghost. Which are more like Hollows, I think. So id you were going to compare them to something from Bleach, I guess they’d be something that eats Hollows?
OK, I think I see the difference there. Also, I’m pretty sure the only thing that eats Hollows is other Hollows that are on the verge of evolving into Gillians, a.k.a. the first stage of the Menos Grande classification. Yes, I am a fan boy nerd.
I love the look of these hand-inked strips! They feel so atmospheric and intense. The shading on Mara’s horn in the last panel is so cool. Thank you for sharing these.
Okay… so I’m assuming that what Tenzin did was essentially crank up the binding armor’s restraint function to the point that Marah can’t use her powers at all?
And that his comment about Urano “saving her from monsterhood” is also referring to the binding armor’s effects?
I’m sorry, they eat ghosts?
The Pacman style of ghostbusting.
Lore! And hope your stylus arrives before your markers run dry!
Oh, so THAT’S what that meant! Also, fan of Bleach, much? Cause that sounds like what Hollows do.
Is that what Hollows do? Don’t they eat the souls of people?
I watched the original series (Bleach) a long time ago. My (vague) recollection was that Hollows ate a soul’s heart — like taking away a soul’s core energy, leaving them despondent and in despair. (it was visually depicted as a person’s spirit having a black hole in their chest).
I also recall it was distinctly different from a soul condemned to hell for having lived an evil life.
Uh, no, they ate non-hollowified spirits. A spirit losing their heart is what causes them to become Hollows in the first place.
Isn’t that what a ghost is?
Okay, sure. But in Yeld theres a big difference between the spirits of people and the creatures that live in the Ghost World. Although both are referred to as ghosts. In this case, the Oty-Her get their power from devouring the second type of ghost. Which are more like Hollows, I think. So id you were going to compare them to something from Bleach, I guess they’d be something that eats Hollows?
OK, I think I see the difference there. Also, I’m pretty sure the only thing that eats Hollows is other Hollows that are on the verge of evolving into Gillians, a.k.a. the first stage of the Menos Grande classification. Yes, I am a fan boy nerd.
Hollows will eat other Hollows and become whats known as Menos Grande
Dramatic lighting continues in a lore-drop jucier than a ripe peach
I love the look of these hand-inked strips! They feel so atmospheric and intense. The shading on Mara’s horn in the last panel is so cool. Thank you for sharing these.
Yes … between the black night and the black prospects, the black&white sorta works for this part of story.
Okay… so I’m assuming that what Tenzin did was essentially crank up the binding armor’s restraint function to the point that Marah can’t use her powers at all?
And that his comment about Urano “saving her from monsterhood” is also referring to the binding armor’s effects?
Thats about it.
So basically, Marceline from Adventure Time?