Posted In: comic
1. Come see me at the Portland Zine Symposium this weekend (google it). I’ll have all kinds of fun things to sell you, and if you’re nice (or give me any attention at all) I’ll sketch you a medusa.
2. Consider bying a chainsaw unicorn or medusa shirt or hoody from our store?
H…how did it pull the manhole cover back?
Um…. He drinks milk, thus strong horn, thus used the horn to move it?
Or some jerk left it open.
No horn, just a chainsaw.
Okay explanation accepted, but come on! That’s the ending of the first season of Heroes. XD
The original version of that panel was an airplane flying into the sunrise, with the unicorn looking out the window.
That would have been just plain silly.
and I would have loved it.
But oddly amusing….with people running around in terror.
So Chainsaw Unicorn’s name is Daniel?
“…travelling tonight on a plane.
I can see the red tail lights
heading to Spain, and
I can see Daniel waving goodbye.”
You have now been ear-wormed. You’re welcome.
Enough to work
So is the Unicorn going to be like the giant chicken in Family Guy?
Probably not. Long fight scenes are hard to draw.
Dun dun…………………………………………………………………………..DUUUUN!!
Obviously it’s bones were smashed apart so bad that it just kinda oozed down into the sewer to rally the crocodile and goldfish army it will eventually amass.
I get paid next week, I fully intend on buying a Medusa hoodie!
It says ‘becasue’ instead of ‘because’ in the second panel.
Dur… I’ll fix that when I do the Monday update. Than ks for pointing it out.
It’s ABVIOUS she’s a new kind of pokemon! “Becasue! I choose YOU!”
Hey Jake i contacted your email and my figurine maker i sent you the response i think the response was pretty quick despite my caffiene addled sense of time maybe we can get this project up and running.
Also Since my friend is a game designer as well “Modest Medusa… The Game?” although they’d probably need more free time and you’d need to have a story and all still a future project might be interesting.
Interesting. I’m also a game designer, so maybe we can work something out. I’ll respond to the email as soon as I get a chance. Thanks!
Modest Medusa her adventures leading up to arriving in jakes toilet maybe.
it might take a while { those crazy dutch people} but we will get all the figurine stuff out in the open if not handled. And you should leave a little message on the next comic to see if any readers happen to be plushie makers or know plushie makers or even figurine makers i’m sure i’m not the only person with merchandising contacts that think your characters are loveable and merchandiseable.
That’s a good idea.
If you don’t have the body to poke with a stick, it ain’t dead.
Awww, now I wish I still lived in Portland. Stupid high unemployment made me move.
I’ll be fixing itt whan i do teh Monday update.
Nothing to do with the strip itself, but I feel compelled to point out that the “Previous/First” links on the new site border on invisible. It took me way, way too long to realize that they were hiding in tiny text underneath the social network crap, rather than omitted entirely.
I’d politely suggest that you either make them a lot bigger or move them up to directly underneath the strip.
Agreed. I’m trying to figure out how to make them larger.
when a villain dies off screen, he’s not really dead
Exploding Unicorn Theory would be an awesome name for a band.
That’s what I thought.
I reckon i should start a band with aforementioned name. unless anyone else has dibs.
also, fun WC
now that i think about it how many times has someone said “i am sure that is the last we have seen of it,” and nothing good has come of it?
uhh… where is the ambulance for jake? lemme guess,” bandages, we don’t need no stinkin bandages!” lol!
If I run into you at the bar and am nice/pay attention to you while wearing your t-shirt, will you sketch me a medusa on a beer-mat?
Uh, yeah. Sure. Of course.
WLAN it crawled into the sewers. There it’s going to heal and meet the *drumroll* GIANT ALBINO GATOR! And they’re both going to take vengeance on you and your niece.
AAAAH damn autocorrect. I was going to say woah.
Did that unicorn just pull a Sylar? Anyways ever thought of Chainsaw Unicorn game? It’d be like Robot Unicorn Attack!
Didn’t Medusa come from Yeld through the sewers. So that means that the chainsaw unicorn is going back to Yeld.
Does nobody see the blood trail leading from an obvious crime scene to the sewer manhole? The police should check for another victim’s body (at the very least) down there!
Oh, he was bandaged and is going to the ER next. Okay.
Well, when a unicorn dies, it’s heart, which is made of love and candy, explodes. Every one knows that………………………………………………….
I mean, it’s like the seventh thing you learn in unicornology class duh.
Good and Awesome thank you for sharing