– I’m finally feeling better, but since I got some great filler comics I thought I’d run them today and give myself a chance to catch up. So look for new Medusa pages on Weds and Friday. Today’s strips are from our friends Caleb Child (of Mischief in Maytia) and Dusty White. Thanks guys! I really dig these. I found it especially funny that they ended up being almost the same joke.
– Convention update. I’ll be at Wizard World Portland on the 22nd-24th of this month, Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle on the 1st-3rd of March, Sakuracon in Seattle on the 29th-31st of March, Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland on the 27th-28th of April and Fanime in San Jose May 24th-27th. Not sure what I’ll be doing yet this summer. Probably working on super exciting secret Modest Medusa stuff that I can’t tell you about.
– So while I was sick I took some time to read Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Hayao Miyazaki’s amazing graphic novel. I’ve read most of it before, years ago, but I never quite got around to finishing it. In fact, I’m just finishing it up today. It’s an amazing piece of work, and even though I’ve read the first half a few times it still manages to be completely worthwhile. I only mention it because it’s totally worth your time, even if you’ve already seen the movie. Especially if you’ve already seen the movie. The manga is much richer and much more rewarding. That’s it. I’ll leave it at that.
We’re still doing this thing. For the rest of this month you can buy MM Season 1 at the Cel*Style store and get free shipping. You’ll need to use the MMFREE coupon code on the shopping cart page before you check out. It’ll still ask you to select a shipping method (and price), but once you make it to the part where you pay you’ll see that the shipping cost has been changed to free. Sorry, this is just for US buyers.
Woah, you finally got around to putting up buttons to go backwards!
I’m trying to explain this comic to my 5 year old and he’s just not getting it. He doesn’t understand revenge, I think…
Does he not have siblings?
Yeld, taking the biorefuse from every oriface of the sick for the last two years.
The Nausicaa graphic novels were excellent. I’ll never forget the scene where the worm handlers are told they can’t take them aboard the ship.
I know. Oh my god, that was amazing. I felt so much for those guys after that, even though we had barely seen them before at all.
I guess Jake will have to learn to throw up in the tube for now on. 😀
Yeah, i’m not to thrilled about there being a continuation of the story either
If nothing else, I figure it should make Jake feel glad that he only has one orifice from which to vomit.
Wow, I never finished Nausicaa, but what I read was mind-blowing. I guess it’s been all collected for years, I should track that down.
this kinda reminds me of Stand By Me where the kid tells a story in which everyone pukes all over the place.
on another note, i got my shirt. Thanks jake. get well soon.
Miyazaki made graphic novels!?! When did this happen, and how can I get Princess Mononoke in graphic novel form?!
From wikipedia: Miyazaki has illustrated several manga, beginning in 1969 with Puss in Boots (Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko). His major work in this format is the seven-volume manga version of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, which he created from 1982 to 1994 and which has sold millions of copies worldwide. Other works include Sabaku no Tami (砂漠の民 People of the Desert?), Shuna no Tabi (シュナの旅 The Journey of Shuna?), The Notebook of Various Images (雑想ノート Zassō Nōto?), which was the basis of Porco Rosso.
Oh… not good! 🙁
Not good at all.
Thanks Jake!–I have no artistic talent, but I wanted to offer up some support :-p
(This page is going into my permanent scrapbook of lifetime achievements 😀 )
I thought he got her a real bed.