Posted In: comic
– Wooooo! Modest Medusa won both the 2014 Drunk Duck Awards for both Best Overall Comic Strip and Best Fantasy Comic! I’m so excited about this! Modest Medusa got it’s start on Drunk Duck, and the DD community is a big part of this comic’s success. Thanks so much!
– Modest Medusa will be back on Monday with a big super sized strip. Make sure to check it out!
– If you dig Modest Medusa please consider contributing to my Patreon. Patreon money goes directly to paying my living expenses, allowing me to focus on making comics. I really appreciate the support, and every dollar helps!
I’m so proud and happy for you. MM deserves these awards hardcore. You are hands down (in my opinion) the best of the best. Now try and get some sleep!
Thank you! Okay, I’m going home soon.
Bluh. Hadn’t you already won awards at some point in the past?
Isn’t that kinda unfair on the other Drunk Duck comic makers?
not canon?
my face would probably look similar to Modest right about now….
i mean, THEY CAN TALK!!!
Could her hair/heads always talk and were just waiting for a large enough venue?
Congratulations. Should have had the one-eyed mermaid accept the award again though. Now she’s just going to think you don’t like her anymore.
Isn’t it a bad sign when the hair starts talking? Like growing up and becoming a heartless giant snake kind of bad?
Also, congrats on the award. You deserve it.
Congratulations on the award, and congratulations on one of MM’s four snake-hair-tentacles learning to speak…
Congrats Jake!
“You can talk? I fed you a whole box of Chocodiles!”
So I guess that’s the snake that’s going to take over?
huh, I didn’t know this comic was on Drunk Duck.
Ha! I could totally see the snakes suddenly talking one day.
Yeah, congrats. But the first time my hair says anything, it’s all coming off…
Jake, congratulations! Hard-earned and overdue.
Congratulations Jake!
The snakes speak now????
Anyways, Congratulations to you! It was at DD I found this comic, and its in my oppinion, well deserved awards!
And the other three heads are looking at that one like, “Way to blow cover, Talky McTalkerson.”
Congrats on the awards!
Monday is mah burfdae, so i consider the big strip a present :3
Congratulations on your win!
Modest: Yes! And Jake got me this cool pair of noise-cancelling headphones to celebrate!
Marah: *raises tankard* Here’s to you, Uncle Jake!
Rest of the badasses in Badass Heaven: SKAAL!
Dragul: Huh…
Vargas: *sigh* …I thought I’d at least have a chance at Best Supporting Minion…
Mother Medusa: *proud*
Checkout assistant: *stares at news item* *grabs sushi coupon with sheep drawing out of bin* *logs onto eBay*
Serpent #1: I think we should boost advertising spend to capitalise on this award. Perhaps with a concurrent time-limited reward on Patreon to increase interest there.
Serpent #2: *looks up from notebook PC* We are going to need a shift in search engine optimisation strategy…
Serpent #3: *flicks tongue over touch screen* And we need to keep a close eye on the hosting situation – we may need to upgrade.
Serpent #4: And did any of us say “congratulations”? Well, congratulations, Mr. Richmond! And tongues up on a worthwhile purchase, too! Those noise-cancelling headphones make these naptime meetings so much less fraught!
Modest (with headphones on): * zzzzzzzz* ..haha silly teddy bears… *zzzzzzz* …’m gonna crash your picnic an’ eat alla chocodiles… *zzzzz*
Very Awesome! 🙂