Posted In: comic
– Today is the very last day to order the new t-shirt featuring Modest, Groot and Rocket. It’s just $20 and available in Women, men’s and kid’s sizes and lots of colors. You can get it here.
– Fall conventions! I’ll be at Rose City Comic Con on September 20th (just Saturday), Geek Girl Con in Seattle on October 10th and 11th and the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland on October 18th and 19th. That should be my last show of the year.
HA! The last panel is gold.
That should be a t-shirt.
Ehhh… my recent experiment has proven to me once again that MM t-shirts don’t sell.
What?! I thought they’d be flying off the shelves! I even bought myself one yesterday! D:
That’s a bummer. Does that mean that as of today they are no more (in other words were they some form of print on demand) or are there any in kids sizes left over? I need a few more coloring books (they’re pretty useful for teaching children their ABCs, and hopefully hooking them young on Modest Medusa), and noticed the shirts were in the Cel Style store as well, but I don’t want to make anything difficult for anyone by ordering something that will prove unavailable.
If you order quick (before I take the shirts down from the store tomorrow) I can still get you one.
Anyone else see this and think of the trailer of “Hobo With a Shotgun”, only with Jake as the lead?
The Sarah Connor One-Handed Shotgun Pump. She means business! lol
Echoing Ms. Vas Normandy, too~… maybe?^^
She’s gonna save the day!
Is that supposed to be a nerf gun?
Where did she get the shotgun?
I think I’m scared now Modest with a shotgun
On the plus side she’s more likely to annoy them then to hurt them this way.
Sounds like a new meme… WWMD?
Hey little sister, what have you done?…Hey little sister, shotgun…It’s a nice day for a white wedding../
Sorry — have we seen that gun before?
Yes. Way back in this strip :
When they attacked someone with a plastic sword somebody lost an eye to a kitchen knife. That may be a toy gun, but that doesn’t mean someone won’t get hurt with something else.
where did she get a shotgun
It’s a nerf gun.
oh i love it!!!! SHOT GUN TIME!!!!
This crap’s about to get real!
Hell Yeah!
Heh, I like the people who seem to think it’s a real shotgun. It’s yellow and orange people! 😉
I wonder if the real Marah is that trigger happy? *thinking face*
Come with me, if you want to be modest.