Okay last comment before I try to sleep, if you include other sets besides x-pod, then you’ll probably have to come up with rules regarding piece number and variety when selecting sets to use. Hey howabout the “mini” series? It looks like a spiritual successor, plus that way in a tournament nobody has to wait to be in another match. Lastly we should come up with recolor ideas based on holidays and stuff.
Sorry Jake, I just gotta monologue here for abit. The reason why I brought up age and transition is because I’ve been hearing about stories where children (and sometimes adults) who have been pressured into transitioning only to learn later that they’re not really trans. Not to mention that there’s other stuff in there like the majority of kids detransition, parents try to give their children sex changes over trivial things like them liking things normally associated with the opposite gender, how back in the day before transgender was popular if a guy/gal was interested in being a girl/boy they would often just crossdress because they didn’t have dysphoria, and if a kid did it then the family would just have a good laugh with them playing dress up and just move on with their lives without any transitioning, and lastly, that the parents will often do this to their children for attention, which is part of why it’s often considered child abuse. All in all, I just hope this transition turns out okay for Gene. Anyway the reason why I’m making this overly long comment is because I’ve already had to leave two webcomic forums (and reading them by choice) because either the cartoonist or both them and the fans were poser-liberals, and I unlike them wasn’t high on wocaine (my clever wordplay for woke culture). So to clarify I have no issues with transgenders or literally anything else considered progressive, I don’t doubt that there are actual trans children or that there are parents who help them transition out of well thought out and good intentions, I know that there are actual trans people who speak out against woke culture, and I really like this comic and don’t want to abandon it too, so I’m just gonna post this here and hope for the best. Also sorry if this creates unnecessary drama amongst your fans, I just gotta know ya’know? Maybe you could just reply to me in a private email or something. And sorry that this is so long.
You’re saying “often” a lot, but I believe that everything you’re describing here is extremely rare. What isn’t rare is Trans people who are unable to transition because their families won’t allow them too, or unable to transition because doctors refuse to let them or who are afraid to transition because of how others will react.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, but I think you are wrong about this.
Whew, thanks, that went pretty well. I do agree that those instances that you listed are likely quit common, you still have to agree that nobody should be pressured into transitioning anymore than they should be pressured into not transitioning. I guess the sensible thing is to just let individuals explore themselves first before making a final big decision.
I think you are absolutely right that letting individuals explore themselves first before making a final big decision is the way to go. I think thats what most trans people do. Although I’m not sure what a big final decision is? Is that coming out as trans? Surgery? Because trans kids don’t get surgery. medication? That usually doesn’t happen until puberty, and even then its often just puberty blockers (from what I’ve been told). I may be wrong about this, but it seems like transitioning is often a series of small steps, and not one big decision. Maybe if there is a big decision, its letting yourself acknowledge that you are trans. Realizing and accepting that? IDK. If any of my trans readers want to weigh in on this I’d appreciate their perspective.
I think a lot of people have this idea that a kid comes out as trans and then its off to some major surgery. That’s not what happens.
I strongly suspect that instances of people being pressured into transitioning are extremely rare. Certainly for transitions that involve medication or surgery (which trans people are often denied by doctors anyway.)
I guess both? But especially the surgery part, glad we’re on the same page. Two things for the record to wrap this up.
1. I don’t do any in depth research I just kinda go by what I hear, I still try to be logical though because of all the pseudo religious whackos on both sides and elsewhere.
2. I usually just post my comments from my notes app, I just noticed that I had a previous comment about x-pods, so that explains that.
I can weigh in. Yeah, suppression the other way is common. I’d have realized I’m gender fluid WAAAY sooner but there were factors encouraging my masculine side. And I know others who took a long time because their family essentially cut them off from knowledge (I run a server. I’ve helped some youth before on it)
I’d really like to believe this, but I’ve been hearing some very disturbing things lately. Some kids who claim to be trans are, if not necessarily “pressured”, at least encouraged to rush into transitioning without careful consideration of whether they truly are gender dysphoric. This can include permanent measures such as hormone treatments, and sometimes even surgery. These children, most often girls, are often suffering from poor living situations and a variety of mental health issues. Some doctors seem all too eager to encourage gender transition without much of an attempt to address these other issues. I’d like to think these are isolated bad actors, but there doesn’t seem to be nearly enough information available to form a sound judgment. https://www.thefp.com/p/i-thought-i-was-saving-trans-kids
I think you’re probably misinformed about this. With all the disinformation out there from actual bad actors its very easy to be disinformed right now without actually meaning any harm.
From what I understand hormone treatments aren’t permanent and no one in the US is performing gender affirming surgery on kids. From what I understand most youth transitions mostly involve puberty blockers, leaving other procedures and treatments for when the patient is an adult. And no, doctors are largely not eager to encourage gender transition, especially in kids. Most trans people have to go through a long and arduous process to get doctors to acknowledge and assist in their transition at all.
I do think there’s more than enough information available to make a sound judgement. It just involves actually listening to medical professionals in this field and trans people, which people DO NOT want to do. If you do you’ll find out that transitioning has an incredibly high satisfaction rate. I am by no means an expert on any of this, but I listen to my trans friends.
I think its very normal to look at something unfamiliar that we might not understand or have experience with and think “this isn’t for children”. But in fact transitioning is for some children and the people helping children transition are medical professionals who know what they’re doing. I’m not sure where you got the idea that trans kids are from poor living situations or have mental health issues. That sounds pretty suspicious to me. Even if that’s true (and it certainly would be sometimes) they still deserve healthcare and treatment, right?
Also, you might not have realized it but the link you provided is to a blatantly transphobic new site. I think you’re probably falling for propaganda disguised as news. Take a second look at that site and I think you’ll see what I mean.
Close in sound, but short a snap.
The problem with hastily snapping at anticipated assumptions is the faulty misconception can snap you back to reality through the supposed crocodile’s modest mouth.
No, that’s wrong!
Chocolate-covered crocodiles.
Well… almost.
Is she really allowed to just count Modest’s hair as the last team member?
Hair is an official member of teh class. Well, as official as Modest.
They’re kind of inseparable, so it’s not like they can be on separate teams.
Modest’s Hair: When the class pet evolves into classmate.
Okay last comment before I try to sleep, if you include other sets besides x-pod, then you’ll probably have to come up with rules regarding piece number and variety when selecting sets to use. Hey howabout the “mini” series? It looks like a spiritual successor, plus that way in a tournament nobody has to wait to be in another match. Lastly we should come up with recolor ideas based on holidays and stuff.
Sorry Jake, I just gotta monologue here for abit. The reason why I brought up age and transition is because I’ve been hearing about stories where children (and sometimes adults) who have been pressured into transitioning only to learn later that they’re not really trans. Not to mention that there’s other stuff in there like the majority of kids detransition, parents try to give their children sex changes over trivial things like them liking things normally associated with the opposite gender, how back in the day before transgender was popular if a guy/gal was interested in being a girl/boy they would often just crossdress because they didn’t have dysphoria, and if a kid did it then the family would just have a good laugh with them playing dress up and just move on with their lives without any transitioning, and lastly, that the parents will often do this to their children for attention, which is part of why it’s often considered child abuse. All in all, I just hope this transition turns out okay for Gene. Anyway the reason why I’m making this overly long comment is because I’ve already had to leave two webcomic forums (and reading them by choice) because either the cartoonist or both them and the fans were poser-liberals, and I unlike them wasn’t high on wocaine (my clever wordplay for woke culture). So to clarify I have no issues with transgenders or literally anything else considered progressive, I don’t doubt that there are actual trans children or that there are parents who help them transition out of well thought out and good intentions, I know that there are actual trans people who speak out against woke culture, and I really like this comic and don’t want to abandon it too, so I’m just gonna post this here and hope for the best. Also sorry if this creates unnecessary drama amongst your fans, I just gotta know ya’know? Maybe you could just reply to me in a private email or something. And sorry that this is so long.
You’re saying “often” a lot, but I believe that everything you’re describing here is extremely rare. What isn’t rare is Trans people who are unable to transition because their families won’t allow them too, or unable to transition because doctors refuse to let them or who are afraid to transition because of how others will react.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, but I think you are wrong about this.
Whew, thanks, that went pretty well. I do agree that those instances that you listed are likely quit common, you still have to agree that nobody should be pressured into transitioning anymore than they should be pressured into not transitioning. I guess the sensible thing is to just let individuals explore themselves first before making a final big decision.
I think you are absolutely right that letting individuals explore themselves first before making a final big decision is the way to go. I think thats what most trans people do. Although I’m not sure what a big final decision is? Is that coming out as trans? Surgery? Because trans kids don’t get surgery. medication? That usually doesn’t happen until puberty, and even then its often just puberty blockers (from what I’ve been told). I may be wrong about this, but it seems like transitioning is often a series of small steps, and not one big decision. Maybe if there is a big decision, its letting yourself acknowledge that you are trans. Realizing and accepting that? IDK. If any of my trans readers want to weigh in on this I’d appreciate their perspective.
I think a lot of people have this idea that a kid comes out as trans and then its off to some major surgery. That’s not what happens.
I strongly suspect that instances of people being pressured into transitioning are extremely rare. Certainly for transitions that involve medication or surgery (which trans people are often denied by doctors anyway.)
I guess both? But especially the surgery part, glad we’re on the same page. Two things for the record to wrap this up.
1. I don’t do any in depth research I just kinda go by what I hear, I still try to be logical though because of all the pseudo religious whackos on both sides and elsewhere.
2. I usually just post my comments from my notes app, I just noticed that I had a previous comment about x-pods, so that explains that.
I can weigh in. Yeah, suppression the other way is common. I’d have realized I’m gender fluid WAAAY sooner but there were factors encouraging my masculine side. And I know others who took a long time because their family essentially cut them off from knowledge (I run a server. I’ve helped some youth before on it)
Thanks for weighing in.
I’d really like to believe this, but I’ve been hearing some very disturbing things lately. Some kids who claim to be trans are, if not necessarily “pressured”, at least encouraged to rush into transitioning without careful consideration of whether they truly are gender dysphoric. This can include permanent measures such as hormone treatments, and sometimes even surgery. These children, most often girls, are often suffering from poor living situations and a variety of mental health issues. Some doctors seem all too eager to encourage gender transition without much of an attempt to address these other issues. I’d like to think these are isolated bad actors, but there doesn’t seem to be nearly enough information available to form a sound judgment.
I think you’re probably misinformed about this. With all the disinformation out there from actual bad actors its very easy to be disinformed right now without actually meaning any harm.
From what I understand hormone treatments aren’t permanent and no one in the US is performing gender affirming surgery on kids. From what I understand most youth transitions mostly involve puberty blockers, leaving other procedures and treatments for when the patient is an adult. And no, doctors are largely not eager to encourage gender transition, especially in kids. Most trans people have to go through a long and arduous process to get doctors to acknowledge and assist in their transition at all.
I do think there’s more than enough information available to make a sound judgement. It just involves actually listening to medical professionals in this field and trans people, which people DO NOT want to do. If you do you’ll find out that transitioning has an incredibly high satisfaction rate. I am by no means an expert on any of this, but I listen to my trans friends.
I think its very normal to look at something unfamiliar that we might not understand or have experience with and think “this isn’t for children”. But in fact transitioning is for some children and the people helping children transition are medical professionals who know what they’re doing. I’m not sure where you got the idea that trans kids are from poor living situations or have mental health issues. That sounds pretty suspicious to me. Even if that’s true (and it certainly would be sometimes) they still deserve healthcare and treatment, right?
Also, you might not have realized it but the link you provided is to a blatantly transphobic new site. I think you’re probably falling for propaganda disguised as news. Take a second look at that site and I think you’ll see what I mean.
It is pancakes now.
Close in sound, but short a snap.
The problem with hastily snapping at anticipated assumptions is the faulty misconception can snap you back to reality through the supposed crocodile’s modest mouth.
And make it snappy!